Chapter 15

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Hey guys 👋 I know it's been a while and I'm sorry for that but I hope you enjoy 😊 (I made this video, it links in with this chapter) 💜

Adores POV:
We walk off the stage hand in hand, once we are out of sight from the audience I turn to face Bianca. How have I managed to find such a wonderful person? She is stunning inside and out and that was just the cherry on top.
A - "I love you so much"
I wrap my arms around his neck and pull him into a hug.
B - "I love you too"
All I've wanted to do is hug him, I feel safe when I am around him.
A - "What made you tell them about us?"
B - "Seeing you made me realise I don't want us to be a secret anymore, I've realised what an incredible person you are and how much I love you, and so it's not fair to either of us to have to hide our affection"
A - "Your actually so sweet"
B - "Only because of you"
A - "Aww have I made you soft?"
B - "Shut up! Now come with me"
He takes my hand and we make our way to his dressing room.
B - "Let me de-drag and then we can head out ok?"
A - "Yeah that's fine"
He stars to de-drag and I notice he is having a little trouble with his dress.
A - "Here"
I help him out of it and wrap my arms around his chest.
A - "You know, we don't have to go out, we could just enjoy each other's company"
I see a grin approach his face and he turns to face me.
B - "You know how much I want to do that, but I've already told Mariah that we will join them tonight"
A - "Roy!"
B - "What?"
A - "Tonight was supposed to be our evening together!"
B - "I know but I thought it would be a lot of fun, plus now everyone knows about us and we don't have to be secretive"
A - "I know but... Oh fine"
B - "Look, if you don't want to then I'll tell her we aren't coming is that okay?"
A - "No your right, it will be fun. But can you get a move on please I'm thirsty"
Despite how much I want to spend the night with Roy alone, I know tonight will be great being surrounded by friends and being able to be open with them. And we will be alone later tonight.
As Bianca becomes Roy I just stare at him.
B - "Are you okay?"
A - "Yeah, I just want to say I'm sorry"
B - "For what?"
A - "For being so selfish and complaining about you working"
B - "Oh shut up! It's only natural to act like that"
A - "Yeah but I was being such a child"
Roy walks over to me and takes my hands.
B - "Now you look at me, I don't want you to feel as though you need to apologise to me, especially when you did nothing wrong. I look forward to your call every day, you are what keeps me sane"
I let out a small smile because I know that was from the heart.
B - "Are you ready to go chola?"
A - "Yes"
We walk out of the dressing room to see Mariah and the others and they all start cheering.
M - "I knew there was something going on between you two!"
We both just laugh and receive hugs from everyone, even the event planners tell us how happy they are for us.
B - "Come on then, lets get pissed"
We end up at Mickeys (of course) and we are all having a great night. To be able to hold Roy and kiss him whenever I wanted felt great, like a huge weight had been lifted off my shoulders, and I know he felt the same way. We both decided to stay off our phones because we knew we were getting bombarded by numerous texts and tweets from not only our family and friends but also our fans, we didn't want hateful comment to ruin tonight, one of the best nights of our lives.
The show begins and Morgan is hosting, but before he gets to talk shit with the audience he has to do his number which tonight is 'I'm a bad bitch'. Of course she is killing it. She makes her way over to us, and once she sees me and Roy she starts smirking. She has obviously seen that we are together through social media and I know she has something to say. We both smile back passing her money and she continues to dance and work the stage. She finishes her number and collects the last of the money before grabbing a microphone.
M - "Mickeys how the fuck are you all doing tonight!!!!"
The audience cheers and he makes his way over to me and Roy.
M - "Now, for those of you who have social media, you will know that tonight is a very special night, because Bianca and Adore announced that they are officially a couple isn't that right guys"
She directs the question at us and we both nod, hearing all the cheers in the audience makes me smile.
M - "Now, I knew you two were together and I even asked you like 2 months ago right?"
We both nod again, still with smiles printed on our faces.
M- "So how long have you two actually been together?"
She hands the microphone over to Roy.
R - "Well we have been a couple for like three months now but obviously we've known each other for four years"
M- "Cute. So when did you know you were more than friends?"
This time I took the microphone.
D - "I've always thought that Roy's a cute guy but I never thought it would go anywhere because we became such good friends, but then I think we both realised that we were sexually attracted to each other so we decided to give it a shot"
I look over at Roy as he takes my hand and interlocks our fingers.
Morgan kneels down in front of us to make himself comfortable.
M - "Okay so this has become an interview and I don't care. So the big question is, what's the sex like?"
Of course we both burst out laughing, expecting a serious question and then hearing that.
R - "Are you serious?"
M - "Yeah! I wanna know"
D - "Well from what I remember it's great"
M - "What do you mean?"
D - "We haven't seen each other in a month, tonight's our reunion"
M - "Oh so tonight your gonna fuck a lot I take it?"
D - "Hopefully!"
I can't help but laugh and I can see the embarrassment all over Roy's face. He is still smiling though so I know he isn't mad.
M - "Well congratulations and I think you guys are super cute together so just don't fuck it up alright!"
R + D - "Okay"
We both reply, delighted to hear that people support us and want us to be happy.
We are mid-way through the show and I start to get impatient. All I want is Roy, so I lean over to him..
D - "Can we go to the restroom"
R - "Can you not go piss by yourself?"
D - "No"
He looks at me confused and I wink back, taking his hand and practically dragging him to the restroom.
R - "What are you doing?"
D - "Just shut up"
Once we reach the restroom I drag him inside (no pun intended) and lock the door behind us.
R - "Is everything okay?"
He asks me with a worried tone.
D - "Yes, I just wanted some alone time"
I smile back at him and push him against the wall. He lets out a small chuckle when he realised what I mean and I smash my lips upon his. It was sloppy due to us both being a little tipsy, but it was all I wanted. He lets his hand travel up my back and through my hair whilst deepening the kiss. Our lips are sliding off each other's and saliva is traveling down our chins but we don't care. I start to rub my hips against his and I can feel us both becoming more and more exited.
D - "I want you"
I whisper against a his lips.
He grabs a hold of my waist and spins us round so my back is now against the wall. I lift my leg up around his waist and he grabs it, lifting me up and grabbing the other. He starts thrusting his hips pushing me harder against the wall, both of our breathing becoming heavier in each other's faces. He brings his mouth down my neck letting his plump lips slide along my smooth skin.
R - "I've missed you so much baby"
A - "I've missed you too"
He continues to kiss my neck and jawline as my back becomes arched off the wall and my head thrown back.
D - "I need you Roy"
I plead in desperation, and then he stops letting my legs fall back to the ground.
D - "What's wrong?"
R - "I'm not gonna fuck you next to a toilet, we need to get home"
I take a look around and notice all the grime on the floors and walls, the realisation that my back was touching the wall made me sick to my stomach, what a stupid idea this was.
D - "Okay, your right"
I look down at myself and then at Roy.
D - "But how are we gonna hide these?"
With that Roy takes a look, noticing that we both have very evident boners.
R - "Shit!"
He places one of his hands over his face in frustration.
D - "Calm down, it's dark out there no one will know"
R - "Fuck it"
He grabs my hand whilst unlocking the door and we make our way out of the club.
R - "We need a cab"
D - "But you only live 5 minutes away"
R - "Yes but if you think I'm walking home looking like this then you have another thing coming"
I just giggle looking at us both once more whilst Roy hails for a cab.
R - "And what are you giggling at?"
D - "Us"
I take Roy's hand in mine and he lets out a small smile. And with that a cab pulls up besides us.
R - "ladies first"
D - "Well thank you sir"
We both chuckle and get in the cab hand in hand"

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