Chapter 9

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OMG! Over 400 reads! Thank you all so much, I really appreciate it 💜

Adores POV:
We cleaned up, changed the sheets as well as our clothes and lay in bed.
B - "Okay chola, I'm actually going to go sleep now, is that alright?"
A - "Yeah I'm really tired as well, I'll go bed. See you in the morning babe"
I pull the sheets off me and just as I'm about to step out of his bed I feel a firm grip around my wrist.
B - "And where do you think your going?"
A - "Bed?"
B - "Can't you sleep in this bed with me?"
A - "I didn't think you wanted to"
B - "Why wouldn't I want to share a bed with my boyfriend?"
A sheet of red fills my face as I repeat those words over and over in my mind.
B - "Danny. Are you okay?"
A - "Of course I'm okay, it's just strange hearing that out loud"
B - "Oh... but you do want to be my boyfriend don't you?"
A - "Yes! I want nothing more in the world but to be YOUR boyfriend"
Two huge smiles crawl onto our faces and he brings me into a cuddle. I fall asleep in his arms and I have never felt so happy.
B - "SHIT!"
I awake to see no Roy next to me, but I do hear cursing coming from downstairs, and a lot of banging. I make my way downstairs in my boxers, well I don't have to cover my body up any more *wink*, and if he is in a bad mood hopefully this will change that. I poke my head round the corner to see Roy cooking! You heard me right. Roy Haylock is cooking!
A - "What are you doing?"
Startled, he turns around and his frustration turns into smiles. Told you so.
B - "What are you doing up so early? And why do you have no clothes on?"
A - "I guess you have changed me and now I'm an early bird, and I thought you might like this outfit a little better"
I make my way towards him, he is already dressed in his black joggers and black top, and I wrap my arms around his neck. Roy tries to keep a straight face but his smile always shines through.
B - "Well you do look cute in boxers"
He lets of a chuckle and wraps his arms around my waist, spinning me round so that my back is against the cupboards.
A - "You haven't answered my question"
B - "I was attempting to cook us a full English breakfast but it just turned to shit"
I look around the kitchen to see pans everywhere and food all over the counters.
A - "That's so nice of you, don't worry I'm not really hungry anyway"
I look into his eyes and I can see that he is frustrated, he hates not being able to do stuff. So I place my hand on the back of his head and push it closer to mine.
A - "if it means anything to you, I think your really good at one thing in particular"
He pulls my waist into his and places his lips upon mine. The kiss becomes deeper as our tongues intertwine with one another and his hands move from my waist to my ass, squeezing it slightly. Roy breaks the kiss with a smile as he places his forehead against mine.
B - "You make me so happy Danny"
Hearing those words made my heart melt, I've always wanted to be in a happy relationship and I think this is going to be the one.
A - "And you make me feel like the luckiest guy on earth"
He kisses me one last time before turning around to all the pans.
B - "You go get dressed chola, I'm taking you out for lunch"
A - "Oh no you don't have to"
B - "Yes I do, now hurry and we will go once I've finished in here"
10 minutes later we are in the car.
A - "So where are we going?"
B - "Well considering this is a special occasion, I thought we would go to the pizzaria you love"
A - "OMG ROY! I love that place, but it's so expensive"
B - "Bitch please! I'm rich"
We erupt in laughter as we arrive at the pizzaria.
B - "What pizza do you want? I'll order and you can grab us a seat"
A - "No I want to stay here and order with you please"
He turns his head and I give him a smile.
A - "And plain cheese please babe"
He smiles back and interlocks his fingers with mine.
Once we got our food we sat down in these extremely comfortable booths and I notice Roy has his thinking face on.
A - "What's wrong?"
I place my hand on top of his to reassure him.
B - "I was just wondering how you want to tackle our relationship like with the fans and other queens. Are we going to tell them?"
A - "Well I kinda thought we could keep it between us for now, I mean, it's not even been 24 hours and it can be our little secret"
B - "Good, that's what I wanted to do anyway"
That look is wiped away and we enjoy our little pizza date.
B - "I was thinking we could go Micky's again tonight?"
A - Yeah! That would be so much fun"
B - "Okay cool, we'll do that then!"
We always have a good time at Mickys and we didn't get drunk last night, which I'm so glad about! But tonight I want to get wasted with Roy. We sit and talk for a good 2 hours and  I keep rubbing my foot up the side of his leg, I know he is getting turned on because his face is flushed and he is getting agitated.
B - "Your gonna have to stop that chola, not here"
A - "Stop what?"
I knew perfectly well what he meant but I wanted to wind him up.
B - "Don't try it!"
Right now I am facing Roy so I slide over so that I'm next to him. I move closer to his face but his hand stops me from meeting his lips.
B - "No Danny, we can't, someone will see us"
A - "Roy, there isn't anyone here"
Plus we were in a booth in the back corner  so even if someone was here they have no way of seeing us. He stands up to check the place.
B - "Your right... sorry Danny"
A - "No! I get it, i need to be more cautious. But can I have my kiss now?"
I give him puppy dog eyes because I know he can't resist them.
B - "Come here you"
He reaches over and pulls my head towards his and places a short but passionate kiss on my lips.
A - "That's all I get?"
B - "Yes bitch! We have to get to Mickys, have you seen the time"
He was right, we had to get there in like 20 minutes if we wanted a chance of getting a seat. So with that we left the pizzaria and headed over to Mickys. We had no time to change but we both looked cute anyway, I had on my black jeans and a black jumper, topped off with a pink cap! And Roy had on his blue jeans and a long black top, and of course topped off with a black cap with rainbow BUTTONS on it! Only Roy could pull that off!

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