Chapter Two

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FoA 2, March 3rd

Aragorn still couldn't quite place what had made him think of looking into Dalion's estates, but he was glad he did. He'd gone to Faramir the following day and told him to put a spy on Dalion but also to have some search all his holdings, and the spies had brought back enough to have Aragorn seize everything and imprison the lord.

Found amongst the trappings of Lord Dalion's opulent lifestyle were missives from both the Easterlings and Haradrim demanding information about the weaknesses of Minas Tirith, large sums of Easterling gold, and two Haradrim scouts.

The evidence was damning, and more kept coming.

Today Dalion would stand trial.

Aragorn sat upon his throne of stone in the Hall of Judgement listening to all sides of the story that was continuing to unfold. He no longer hid his contempt nor his anger as Dalion was presented before him to plead his case.

"What do you have to say for yourself?" asked Aragorn, drilling the fallen lord with a withering stare.

Dalion merely smirked. "Guilty."

A gasp erupted from those gathered, and Aragorn was a little surprised that he would not even try to beg for his life. He'd always struck Aragorn as a sniveling man.

"So be it. You are found guilty of treason against the kingdom of Gondor and are hereby sentenced to death two days hence," Aragorn announced, sealing the man's doom.

Dalion still wore his sly smile as he was led from the hall, leaving Aragorn feeling uneasy. What else is he hiding?


Arwen ran her fingers through Aragorn's hair as she sang softly to him. The trial had left him disturbed, and out of sorts, so she had tried to help ease his mind, but thus far it had not worked.

"What really troubles you, my love?" asked Arwen, pausing her song.

Aragorn sighed deeply. "I do not know," he replied, frustration clear in his voice, "but something about his demeanor made it seem like he *wanted* to get caught."

"So you feel like if you go through with the execution, you will have given him what he wants?"

"I don't know what he wants! That's what is so infuriating." Aragorn stood up and began to pace, some that Arwen had noticed he'd been doing more and more as of recent. "Perhaps you should speak with him alone?" she suggested.

Aragorn paused and looked at her as if the thought hadn't occurred to him as a possibility. Arwen stood and glided over to her husband, smiling. "Sometimes the best answer is the simplest," she whispered, giving him a sweet kiss.


Aragorn was flanked by two guards as he made his way down to the dungeons, not that he needed them. There was no threat down here.

He grabbed a torch from the wall as they entered the lowest level where there was no other light to be found. He'd often wondered why men who'd committed the worst crimes were kept in the darkest depths. Perhaps it was because the darkness played with their already demented minds, driving them further into madness.

Aragorn suspected that would not be the case for Dalion. As he came to the hall where Dalion was kept, he was met by Dalion's voice.

"I see you have finally come to see me. Sloth, as always."

Aragorn stopped short, every muscle tense. How did he know it was him?

"Come now, Captain Tac, no need to be shy. Release me, and as promised we'll let your sister go free."

Captain Tac? Did he mean Tachion, captain of Aragorn's personal guard? And who had his sister?

"I don't have all day, Captain," snapped Dalion.

Aragorn took several slow steps until he stood before the cell, eyes ablaze. Dalion paled upon seeing who was at the bars.

"You're going to tell me everything," said Aragorn, his voice deathly calm. He looked at one of the guards with him and commanded he open the door.

As the man fumbled through the keys, footsteps could be heard coming down the hall. Aragorn turned to see Captain Tachion and four men approaching them. The captain stopped dead in his tracks when he noticed Aragorn. "My lord!" he exclaimed, paling, "what are you doing here?"

"I could ask you the same thing," Aragorn said, stepping forward.

Tachion searched for the words but found none. What could be said? He'd betrayed the one he'd sworn to protect. "I'm sorry my lord," he whispered, "they have my sister."

"So I heard," replied Aragorn, his tone even.

The four men with Tachion were getting restless, they apparently had expected it to be an easy job. All four carried long swords, but Aragorn wasn't concerned; the walls were too close together for such weapons to be used efficiently.

"Tell your men to drop their swords, captain," ordered Aragorn, his gaze unwavering and hard as steel.

"I cannot," replied Tachion, "they will kill her if I don't return with Dalion."

"I will not let you take him," said Aragorn, internally preparing for what he knew was going to happen.

Pain and anger flashed in the captain's eyes, then he drew his sword. "Forgive me, my lord, but you must die."

Tachion and his men rushed towards Aragorn and his guards and met them with a terrible clash. As Aragorn had predicted, the long swords were more of a hindrance than an advantage in these close quarters. He parried away a blow with his dagger and slit the man's throat then jumped back and ducked, the blade barely missing his own neck.

Aragorn stabbed the man in the thigh and in one swift motion pulled it out and drew it across the man's stomach and drove it into his heart. He was dead within seconds.

The fight ended as quickly as it had begun, leaving all four of the thugs dead or dying. Tachion was unconscious and held by Aragorn's guards, who were thankfully not mortally wounded.

He turned his attention back to the cell, and his heart sank; Dalion had a small dagger sticking out of his stomach, and a pool of blood around him. Aragorn snatched the keys from the guard, found the key and swung open the door.

Dalion was still conscious, but his wound would be fatal. "Where are you keeping the captain's sister?" Aragorn demanded.

Dalion laughed, causing him to cough up blood. "The Black Tree...will...rise..."

Another coughing fit took him before his breathing stopped altogether.

"No," said Aragorn, shaking the man. "NO!"

But there was no response. Dalion was dead.


Hello everyone!

Shorter chapter this time around, but man oh man is it getting intense!

Comment and sound off on your thoughts, and as always, feedback is appreciated!

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