Chapter 4

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Previously on Chapter 3

Who am I kidding?! No one would accept me! I'm just a monster... A monster with no place to go. I shouldn't have been born in the first place. But I can't die... If I did, I'll be reborn as a stronger and evil demon.... I don't want that. That's why I decide to live on with it.

Why do I have to go through this?



It's been a week since I last meet them. I never leave my house. I don't wanna see them. I was right, no one would ever accept me.

My stomach suddenly starts to growl. 'Man... I am hungry. I'm running low on supplies. I have to go and buy some' I thought. I got up and was about to get going, when something comes in mind. 'What if I run to them?' I thought. I'll just avoid them.

It's better that way. The last time I'm hungry I almost turn the city into a chaotic mode. I don't want that to happen again. So I made up my mind. I head to the bathroom and get ready.

Once I'm ready, I leave the house to the market. It's probably weird. Humans can't see me and all. Oh well... It's better than sneaking around taking stuff.

Once I reached the market. I begin to take what I need. It took me less than 15 minutes to get it done.

I walk out of the market once I've paid for the stuff. Then I start to head home. Even though I'm not a normal person. I prefer to act like a human. I wanna feel normal.

Then out of no where, I heard someone calling for me. I turn around to see who it was, only to run away once I figured out who. The person keep yelling for me to stop.

I reach home and struggle to get the key out of my pocket. I finally found it and went to open the door. But a hand stops me from doing so. I turn around to see an exhausted Yukine. I look away from him. "What are you doing here?" I asks him.

"Where have you been Y/N?" Yukine asks, after he gain a steady breath. I look down, "Why do you even care?" I asks. "Of course I care, Y/N-Chan... You're my friend" he said. I keep my head down "Please move" I say. "No.... Not until you tell me what happen" he said. I turn to him "didn't you hear what Daikoku-San said?! He's clearly not happy with you hanging out with a demon like me?! Why do you even bother to talk to me?! Heck why do you even bother come chasing after me?!" I scream at him. He jumps back in surprise at my sudden outburst.

I drop the shopping bag. My hands went to my mouth as I try to stop myself from crying. Why am I so weak? I've always been alone. Why did it bothers me?

I feel a pair of arms wrap around me in a hug. I froze since I'm not expecting this gesture from him. But I needed this. I lean my head on his shoulder and wrap my arms around his waist. I can't hold it in, I start to cry.

Yukine P.O.V

Wow... I didn't know it'll affect Y/N-Chan this much. Who knows someone so like her have a soft heart. Aren't demon suppose to have no emotion? But then again... Y/N-Chan is only a half-demon. She still have human blood flowing in her vein.

When she starts crying. At first, I didn't know what to do. But I just wrap my arms around her, pulling her body close to mine in a hug. I stayed silent and let her cry. I caress her hair softly.

Daikoku-San is wrong.... Y/N-Chan isn't a bad demon. She's just like us... She's really kind. I wish I could do something to show Daikoku-San how friendly she is.

"I-I never asked to be b-born this way... I really w-wish I could j-just vanished" she said. My heart broke when she said that. I pull away and place my hands on her shoulder. "Never said that again... I don't ever want to hear those sentence come from your mouth... Do you understand?" I asks her sternly. She just stare at me with tears still in her eyes. I move my hand to her cheeks and wipe the tears away.

"Why d-do I h-have to keep going? N-nobody wants me a-around" she said. I look at her in surprise. I remove my hands from her shoulder and to her cheek "Who said nobody wants you around?! I do, Y/N-Chan, I do! Being around you makes me really happy... I d-don't wanna l-loose you. So don't you ever... Ever! Said that you wish to disappear, ever again! Got it?" I said. She looks at me in surprise.

"I'm just a monster... Why would you want me around, Yukine-Kun?" She asks, looking down. "You're not a monster... You're not what they say you are... Evil? That's not you at all... If anything, you're the most friendliest person I've ever met... you're an amazing person. Don't think what Daikoku-San said. He didn't know about you... He didn't know you in person" I said.


Hearing those sentence from Yukine's mouth, made my chest feels warm. This is the first time I felt like this.

"You really mean that?" I asks. He smiles at me. "Every word of it..." He said, nodding his head. I smile at him. "Thank you... Yukine-Kun" I said. He smiles softly at me. I wrap my arms around his neck in a tight hug. "You're welcome, Y/N-Chan" he whispers. I pull away and kiss his cheek. He blushed and place his hand on the spot.

I giggle and grab his hand. "Come on in... I'll cook something for you" I said. I pull him in. Then I lead him to the dining room. I told him to wait as I prepare the meal.

While cooking, I can't erase the smile on my face. Finally someone accepts me the way I am. This is sure gonna be the best day of my life.

But how long will it last?

*to be continued*

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