Chapter 6

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Previously on Chapter 5

"Alright!" Yukine said, wrapping his arm around my shoulder, with a huge grin on his face as he looks down at me. This gesture makes me blush and my heart thumping against my chest. I guess I'm falling for him after all.

-Yukine's Confession-


I heard Hiyori calling for my name. So I decide to head there. I appear in front of them, which makes them jump in fright.

"Don't do that, Y/N-Chan! You're gonna give everyone a heart attack" Yato yelled at me, clutching his chest. I giggle in respond. "I didn't expect you to get frightened. Sorry about that" I said, rubbing my neck sheepishly.

I walk forward and take a seat next to Yukine. I turn to him and smile "hello... Yukine-Kun... " I said. He blushed in respond "h-hey... Y-Y/N-Chan" he said. I look at him slightly confused. 'Why did he seems to be nervous everytime he is around me?' I thought to myself. But I just shrug it off, probably just my imagination.

I turn my head to look at Hiyori. "So... Hiyori-Chan. Why did you call me here?" I asks. She turns to me "Hm? Oh! I just wanna invite you to hang out with us" she said. I let out a soft hum. "Oh I see... So what are we gonna do?" I asks. "Hmm... I haven't think of anything" she said, then start to laugh nervously.

I turn my gaze to see Daikoku is struggling with something. "Well... As you think of what to do, I'm gonna help Daikoku-San" I said. She just nod her head.

I got up and walk over to Daikoku-San. I peek over his shoulder to see him, struggling to take care of a plant. I kneel next to him, as I watch him. "What's wrong with this plant?" I asks. He turns his head to look at me, then he looks back at the flower. "I've tried everything... But I can't seem to get it to bloom" he said, he sounded so frustrated. "I see..." I said. Then I turn to look at the plant.

I laugh when I realise what flower it is. Daikoku turns to me, looking confused. "What are you laughing about?" He asks. "Daikoku-San! This is an Moon Flower" I said. "So?" He asks again. I look at the sun to see it shining directly to a flower.

"The sun is shining directly to it! It only blooms at night time, when it's slightly dimmed. But other way is to get it didn't get exposed to a direct sunlight" I said. I pick up the pot and walk over to a place that has a lot of shade. I place it under it. After 5 seconds, the flower starts to bloom.

I turn to Daikoku. "See?" I said. "Woah.... You seem to know a lot about flowers..." He said. I just laugh "well... not really... I just know most of them" I said. Daikoku starts to ask me more about how to look after the plants. I gladly tell him. We continue to talk, not noticing someone is staring at me from a far.

Yukine P.O.V

She's so beautiful. I really wish I could just man up and tell her how I truly felt about her. But no... I'm just a coward.

Then someone place a hand on my head. I turn my head to see Yato. "You should just tell her, you know...." He said. I look away from him. "I want to... But I don't know how, what if she did not like me back?" I asks. "You'd never know..." He said, then he walks away. "Tch... Real help, man... Real help" I said, sarcastically as I watch him walk away.

I just roll my eyes and turn my attention back to Y/N, who is still talking to Daikoku. 'Y/N... What do I do to make you realise that I'm in love with you?' I thought to myself. I continue to look at Y/N from a far. Honestly... I have to admit, I kinda look like a creep right now. But this is all that I can do, I always messed up and become a flustered mess when I'm around her.

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