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Haileys POV

So the guys came over and they are all watching basketball in Nash's room. But Hayes is still at my mom's house helping her clean it since i forgot to. I am driving there in 5 minutes to help him and pick up skylynn since she fell asleep in nash's car. Hayes is actually more mature than i thought. I thought he only liked to pull pranks, make jokes and that kind of stuff but no. Hopefully he cleaned the house instead of throwing a party and trashing it like i know he would do cause its Hayes.

Hayes POV

I am driving home now after a long day of cleaning Hailey's moms house. It was so messy i think her and Nash threw a party there. But now i have to drive to their apartment and put Skylynn to bed and then go on twitter and tweet about Hailey. It is actually really funny cause she always laughs and replies with tweets about me. I actaully feel bad for he considering she never got adopted by Cameron and she knew it. He just payed to take her out of there cause he felt really bad for her.

Skylynn POV

It was really fun at Haileys moms house. She lives next door to Camerons mommy. I like both of their houses because they are both really big and both of their mommy's love me and think i am a princess. I even have my own room in both houses now and have toy horsies in them. I LOVE HORSES. I miss my pet bunny though its still in my suit case. I hid it from Nash and Hayes cause if they knew i was taking it they wouldnt let me take it and they would yell at me.

Haileys POV

So i drove all the way to Chino Hills from Los Angelos and then back cause Hayes already drove home with Skylynn. I wonder what the apartment looks like because of the guys. And the worst part is they are staying the night. But the good part is that their girlfriends are leaving so the mess wont be as huge in the morning. Tomorrow I have to go shopping with Hayes for a smart tv for the living room and his room. The part that i dont get is, is that we have a stair case leading upstairs in our apartment but we never got a key to open the door so we dont have a clue whats up there and we think its a storage place which would be good considering all the unnecessary stuff laying around the apartment. 

Nash POV

I finally get to hang out with some of my bestfriends. I hang out with Cameron a lot but yet we never drank beer together before until today. Ya i know im only 18 but he is 21. I wanted to have a drink with the guys since we were finally runited. Hope Hailey doesnt mind a small tiny mess that we created in the apartment. I will clean it up with Cameron tomorrow though after the guys leave at 4am to catch their flights back to Florida. We made so many memories and i hope all of us can still be friends even when we are like 100 years old. 

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