Finding Out The Truth...

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Emma's POV
OMG NO I KNEW IT HER "NEW" BOYFRIEND IS MATT! He is sitting on the couch with Cameron, Nash, Taylor, Carter, the Jacks, and Shawn Mendes. Im not meeting 1/12 today im meeting 8/12. Yay! This day will be so much fun

Ashley POV

Which guys is her boyfriend? There are 8 sitting on the couch but Matt isnt hers so only 7 can be. I guess I will ask, or he will introduce himself, or she will tell us? I dont know what to do though 8/12 is sitting right in front of me. HOLY SHIT IM NERVOUS!

Haileys POV

I should probably tell them which one is my boyfriend. They are probably freaking out on the inside. But, before i tell them i will show them to their rooms. 

*Walks both of the girls up while they stare at the guys who dont even realize they are there*

H:Here you go Ashley this is your room for the next 3 weeks :)

A: OMFG! Its gorgeous how do you afford this?

H: Its a secret

E: OMG Is my room gonna be this pretty

H: If you consider the living room couch pretty then yes

E: Are you for real right now?

H: Haha no your room is right there lets go

E: Aha you got me scared for a minute

H: I am not that mean haha maybe lol now 

A: Can i come see the room too?


H: Yes you can ashley and emma its only your for the next 3 weeks

E: sooooo... your point is 

H: Never mind here is your room


E: Ya, tell us did you rob a bank, cause if so im coming next time you do

A: Ya Emma she robbed a bank haha

H: I didnt rob a bank, i just took about a couple of thousand from my moms bank account

A: Ya like 100,000, your whole apartment is so pretty and fancy

E: Ya it is can i live here?

H: Both of you can, I have more rooms that im still redecorating so 

A: Are you for real, like right now, its official

H: No! lol im joking not now i just moved in

E: Sooo... Hows your "new" boyfriend Matt

A: Emma shut up her boyfriend isnt Matt

E: Ya it is let her tell us

H: My boyfriend is Nash, not Matt

A: awwwww, i ship it, unless he hurts you ill crush him then

E: awwww you guys probably look so cute together, unless he breaks your heart then ill run him over

H: You guys are the best *hugs both of them*

A: Ya you guys are the best

E: You are i will never forget you

H: What time is secret time?

A: I dont know i usually go to sleep at 3am soooo.

E: It has to be when everyone is sleeping so they dont hear

A: True cause i have something important to say

H: Same

E: Same

*The guys all lay down on ashleys bed in poses*

A: Well i will go unpack now see you in an hour

*Ashley walks into her room and laughs* 

* All the guys go up and hug Ashley until she yells Ow*

adopted by cameron dallas(fan fiction)Where stories live. Discover now