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Today Is the day the day you always dreamed of as kid the day you always wanted this day. Today Is the day you get married to Liangelo. You were really happy that you were getting married to the one guy you loved for years. You started off as friends and it bloomed into something so beautiful. LiAngelo was in his dressing room. Getting dressed for the wedding and you were in you dressing room. You were thinking about is this what you really want because once you do this you cant back out of it. 

Then you snapped back to reality and it was show time you were about to get married this is what you wanted everyone was out there waiting for you. You breath out and whispered "Here it goes" You grabbed LaVar arm and smiled at him he walked you down the aisle. When you got down the Aisle to meet your Husband to be you smiled at him. And then Preacher started talking for an hour. I said my vow but it was LiAngelo turn. LiAngelo looked at me and said "I  promise you that i will hold you and to adore you. I could promise to be there thought sickness and health and promise to keep you happy all the day's of are life my heart beat only for you"

You Started to cry a little the preacher said you maybe kiss the bride. LiAngelo Picked you up Bridal style and kisses you while spinning you around.You guys ran down the Aisle. You guy where at the after party and everything was cool there was food family and friends but all you cared about was your husband Liangelo Robert Ball.

Ya'll Lived happily ever after

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