Just friends(Gelo)

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You and gelo where walking home from school holding hand he was your best friend and you where his you guys where inseparable no one could ever tell you that he wasn't you best friend. you guys warent it was silent and you where think about how much you liked not as a friend but as a boyfriend you wanted him all yourself but he talked to this other girl at school named Izzy be spends so much time with her and always forgets to call you. That made you sad

As you where walking home you thought today is the day that you where going to ask him dose he like you. You looked at him and smirked he looked down at you and smiled and said "What" You looked back at him and smiled and said "I dont know" You where about to a tell him but you flaked out and said to your self maybe next time. You guys finally got to your house and he said "Can i come in we need to talk" I said "Sure" i let him in the house 

He sat on the couch and looked at me i looked back at him and yelled "MOM" there was no reply i guess she was sleep or wasn't home. i walked to the kitchen to see gelo looking in my refrigerater. I sat on the counter and said "what did you need too tell me" He looked at you and said "Nevermind" You both where hiding something from each other he knew it and you knew it. you told gelo you where hungry and he said "Lets go get something to get"  you guys where walked to McDonald's You guys got there and saw Izzy Gelo's eyes lit up he ran to her and started talking to her you ordered the food and sat down at the tabel all alone and no one to talk to then this guy came up to you he had but eyes and tattoo's his name was kyle he was handsome

Gelo looked over to where you where and he finshed up his conversation with Izzy you where talking to kyle you exchanged number's with kyle and he walked away 

this is kyle his instagram is @therealkchristian

this is kyle his instagram is @therealkchristian

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(His mad cute)

Anywho.. Gelo came back to the table after kyle left you guys ate in silence when you guys got done you walked to the beach it was getting dark then you thought to your self i cant hold it in anymore you guys where walking on the beach you said "Gelo" He looked at you while still walking and said "Yea" you looked back at him and said "Do youuuuu like me" He laughed and said "Yea of course i like you" You smiled really big and said "As friends" he looked at you with a smile and said "Right as friends" your smiled faded and said "just as friends" you said in a soft tone he looked at you and said "Yea i not i mean i havent really thought about it" A tear came down you eye. Gelo stood infront of you and lefted your chin and said "Im just playing i like you more them a friend"

You looked at him and said "Then why do you always hang out with izzy?" He looked at him and said "Where just friends y/n" you looked at him and said "Oh" He was still looking at you with a smile "I wanna be yours" you smiled and him and said "You always been minez"

you and gelo 

                                ended up 

                                                          going out with 

                                                                                               each other 

                                                                                                           the end 

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