poison - Gelo

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his actions were different from the way he acted with me i studied it all the way he looked at me talked to me and his body language. I'm not going to lie i had a thing for gelo and i know he has a thing for me but i wanna see how far i can take this , But he was so emotionaless

It was a summer night it was hot i was in my room just got out the shower it was 10:00 my parents left for a night on the town with there friends i was planning on doing nothing for the night but just relax and enjoy the night. I was walking into the room with the towel on my head drying my hair when my phone lit up. Gelo's contact name popped up as my phone rang 

"Hello" i answered 

" what you doing" He said in a low soft tone

"Nothing , just got out the shower" i said sitting down on my bed

"ight im finna come thur" He said said before i could say anything he knew i was going to tell him know and he lived in the neighborhood so i juss prepared myself because i knew what he was coming over i put on some lingerie and then a robe then a robe , And then there was a knock on my window i opened it and he climbed thur 

"you know you could have went thur th-" I was saying before i was cut off by his lip on mines as i kissed back he wrapped his arms around my waist as i got on my tippy toes and wrapped my arms around his neck his arms moved down too my butt and he gave it a lil squeez as he moved away from the kiss as he picked me up walking over too the bed standing between my legs opening up the rob as his eye's wide 

"All for me?" He asked with a smile i shook my head yes "Shame im going to take it all off you" He said smiling slowing taking it off showing my naked body off too time him as he stooped down and pulled my thighs closer too him looking me in my eye's giving me a comforting smile.  He lick in between my pussy lips making me gasp for air eating my pussy out i moaned gripping on too the sheet i felt that feeling in the pit out my stomach i was about too cum. 

"Gelo im going too sum" I said looking down at him as he looked in my eye the look he gave he i could never forget. It was sexy but so lustful a couple moments later i cummed as he came up too my lips and kissed me while his fingers were working wonder down on my pussy. While his other hand was around my throat. 

he pulled away from the kiss and start too pull his pants down and then his boxers a huge boner popped out my eye got huge at the sight i took it into my hands jerking it off before i put it in my mouth licking the tip first then putting what i could into my mouth and the my hand on what i couldn't and i bobbed my head on his dick coming up for air when i needed too 

"Fuck this where fucking" He said pulling his dick out my mouth setting me on the edge of the bed he grabbed my legs and over his shoulder and slowly put his dick inside with made me bit my lip and close my eye 

"Nah baby, open your eye i wanna see the pleasure " He said as i opened my eye's histhurst was long and slow he was making sure he wasn't hurting me until i started moaning 

"Faster" I moaned out he looked at me and still went the paste that he was going 

"Faster ? Who?" He said  going slower 

"Faster daddy" I whined as he put his grabbed my waist a went fast as i moaned at this rate he was going fast short strokes. 

"Just like that don't stop" I said moaning like it was the last time we were having sex i could have been i didn't know i was just living in the now. he keeps going fast until he stops and lays on the bed and i got on top of him adjusting his dick inside me slowly sinking on his his dick which made him groan all i did was smirk and go up and down riding his dick. Out of all the years i knew gelo i never thought it would led up too this. He ended up grabbing on my waist thursting into my fast. Make me moan 

"im gonna cum" i said as he lefted me off of him putting me into doggystyle and without warning me he thursted into me 

"Cum for me babygirl" He said going faster a couple seconds later i cummed he went faster and harder and a couple a moments later he cummed 

we both laided in bed looked up at the ceiling in silents until he broke the silents 

"how was it" He asked looking over at me with a smile 

"It was different im a good way" I said putting the blanket on he got out of the bed getting dressed as i went to the dresser and got a nightie out and put it on. he opened the window and i walked over too him we were about too kiss when we heard the alarm system 

FRONT DOOR the alarm 

He finshed the kiss as he left out the window as i closed it and got in bed getting on too my phone as my mom opened my door 

"Your still up" she said looking in my room 

"Yes?" I said with a little devious smile 

as a message popped up on my phone from gelo 

' your mines now' the message said i smiled down at it 

hey bestfriends lmao i know this story was shity but more on the way love yall  

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