Feel like a fool// M.B

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You and melo have been dating since the being of summer you too where happy and never left each other side. 

you were at melo's house today at the pool swimming because he asked you to come over and swim with him. You and melo were about to jump in together when you phone rang

"Hold on i have to anwser that" You said walking towards your phone 

"Hello" i anwsered

"Hey girl melo is bad news" You bestfriend said on the other side of the line 

"What? What do you mean?" You said looking at melo on his phone

your friend was dating gelo so its going to all make since in a momment 

"The only reason why melo is dating you is because gelo bet him 100$ to date you till the end of summer " She said 

"MM ill call you back later" you said looking at melo 

You sat down and thought 

I actully loved this dude and then his going to break up with me summer break end next week this boy thinks im a fool  you thought as a tear came down your eye 

"Ready"Melo said 

"No i have to go that was my mom she need me to go home and house sit" You said as you walked past melo 

"No kiss? no hug?" Melo said 

once you got home you relised that melo called you and you didn't care anymore because to him this relationship was a joke but to you this relationship was everything. 

later that night you and melo went to the movies you were acting differant as he said 

"Why you acting like this" Melo said opening the car door for yoy

"Acting like what?" You said with an attitude 

" Your acting like you hate me" Melo said 

"Just take me home" You said crossing your arms 

"No"Melo said 

"i have a question" You said gettting out the car walking to his side he got out the car

"What?" he said 

"Am i a bet? AM I A FUCKING BET?" You asked

melo stood in silence he had nothing to say 

"Why wait up till the summer end huh why dont you do it right now" You said hitting him while crying 

"You know what im going to do it its over IT OVER" you said walking away in a rage walking home while crying 

Once you got home you realised you were home alone so you broke down in tears once you got upstairs there was a knock on the door you went back down and opened the door 

"Ugh what do you want" you said as you saw been face with pity and sadness 

"I need to talk to you" he said as he walked in 

"What" you yelled as you slammed the door

"do you know how much i love you i really do love you the bet was nothing to me id rather have you then all the money in the work" He said 

"what now" You said looking at him with anger and pity

"Dont leave me" Melo said 

"i dont love you anymore" You said crossing you arms 

"Since when" Melo said with tears in his eyes

"Now just now" you said 

"I dont love you anymore goodbye" you whispered 

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