B R O K E N H E A R T E D// G.B

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"do you love me?" you whispered with tears in your eyes 

not a work came back from gelo 

Rewind to the beginning of the day 

You rung the door bell of the ball residence with a gift bag in your hand you always gave gelo stuff. You rung the door bell once agian when tina came to the door 

"Hey dear" Tina said opening the door seeing you 

"Hey" You said hugging tina as you walked in

"Another gift for gelo huh?" She asked looking at the gift bag 

"Yup" You said smiling 

you walked up to gelo's room to see him sleep, you set the gift down on his night stand and straddled him and gave him kisses. He opened his eyes to see it was you 

"Morning" He said kissing you back 

"Good afternoon" You said laughing 

"Well" He said as you got off of him 

"What might this be" He said picking up the gift bag

"open it and youll see" You said with a smile 

He opened up the bag and it was Cologne. he kisses you and smile, then there was a knock on the door 

"Come in" Gelo said 

a girl came in it was his bestfriend she was gorgeous and pretty sometimes you thought he would leave you for her

She had a box for him he opened the box and it was more Cologne but it was bigger he sprayed it and smelt it 

"This smells awsome" He said giving her a hug you felt anger build up

"I uh have to go" you said getting off the bed grabbing you purse walking out the house 

You got into your car and out your head on the steering wheel, when there talking out the window it was gelo and his bestfriend he saw you car was still there he looked like he was dressed and ready to go somewhere.  

He walked up to your window 

"Hey" he said 

"What?" You said with an attitude

"I cant say hey to you" you said 

"I guess? Where are you going?" you asked

"Going to go hang out with izzy for a while want to come" He said 

I didn't say anything i just pulled out the drive way and drove off at that point i was pissed off. So i went home and got all my saving and all my money and went to the mall yo buy gelo the perfect gift a new iphone because his was all cracked up. 

You called his old phone and he didn't answer so you just went to his house again no one was there but his best friend car was there  you opened up the house door and walked up the stairs you opened the door to his room and saw i'm kissing his best friend on the lip they where making out. 

"HOW COULD YOU" You yelled 

you ran out the house and got into you car and went to the lake and sat on the edge of the bridge admiring the water. when someone sat next to you 

"I'm sorry" He said 

you laid you head on his shoulder 

"Do you love me"You whispered with tears in you eyes

not a word came out of gelos mouth but a sigh 

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