Little too late// L.B

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Lonzo had been your friend since diapers  and dating for 3 years You dad never liked him and your mom loved him . Today you were going over to the ball house to see your boyfriend lonzo when you pulled up the door was open so you walked in 

"Hello" You yell through the house 

There was no answer so you walked through the house you could hear faint moans in the house you went into lonzo room and there he was with you bestfriend in the bed with you boyfriend of 3 years. 

"LONZO" You yelled ripping the cover's off him hitting him and then you went over and started hitting you now ex bestfriend 

"CHILL" Lonzo yelled pulling you off of her

you stopped hitting her and looked at him with him sweatpant's on 

"Get the hell out" you said to you ex best friend she rann out you looked at lonzo and walked out the room and walked to the front door and before you walked out lonzo was behind you 

"i love you" Lonzo said 

"No you dont" You walked out the door

Lonzo followed behind you

"Dont follow me" You said running to your car and drove to the beach and sat by the water thinking once it was sunset you started walking on the warm sand then there was someone walking next too you you turned around and it was lonzo you crossed your arms and kept walking in silence 

"You know I hate you cause if i don't hate you for ruining are relationship then i have to ate myself and i think i deserve better then that" You said no making eye contact with him

"Well i came her to talk to you" You said to lonzo

"Its over i gave you so many chances lonzo you know" You said 

"Yea well you shoulden't have" he said looking down

"I know i wasted so much time on you you too desever eachother you dont desever me " You said with tears falling from your eyes 

"your so perfect and im sorry i ruined everything between us i was being selfish" Lonzo said as he stopped walking 

"I should have listen to my dad you trouble and bad new's why you have to prove him right youe a dick" You said stop walking as well 

"im sorry" He said 

"I dont forgive you you broke me" you said pushing him 

"Am i too late to get you back" He said 

"You have lost me forever" You said walking away into the warm sand leaveing lonzo there alone 

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