Never Change// G.B

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You and gelo went to the same school you too had a sexual relationship everyone knew that you too weren't trusted with each other you were the reason gelo couldn't stay in a relationship there was no feeling in the stuff that you and gelo did but you just loved to be with each other and you too where very sexy would this weekend you too had to study together for a history project. 

He came over to your house your mom was downstiars and let him in. You where upstairs straightening up you went downstairs. To see gelo down there chatting with you mom when i got down there i put my books on the table 

"ready" you said to gelo 

"Yea" He said 

"So what do you think about history?" You said acting innocent because your mom was down stairs

"History is just explains stuff that happen back then i guess" Gelo answered

your mom went upstairs and it was just straight up silents you and gelo looked at each other and kissed passionately the kiss turned into a full blown make out session. you heard your mom coming down the stairs and pulled away and you both wiped your mouths off. 

"Ok guys i'm going to leave i have a meeting i have to go right now behave your selfs" Your mom said looking at her watch

"K mom love you" You yelled from the kitchen

"love you too" She closes the door and locked it 

you and gelo smiled at each other and kissed agian and started to have a make out session he broke the kiss by standing up and taking off you shirt 

"Jump" He said into you ear  

you did as he said and he took you to the couch he laid you on the couch and you too made out he started to kisses on your neck as you took off his shirt he tugged on your skirts taking it off and you bit your lip.This is what you guys did usally fuck and then leave like nothing happen but this time it was different it was passion in it in every kiss there was passion and you felt it 

you took off his pants as he took off you panties and started rubbing on your clit 

"Your so wet" Gelo muttered as he stuck to fingers in you pussy

all you could do was moan and bit your lip

all he had on was his boxers and you had on a bra but he managed to get that off 

"You ready for the read thing baby girl" Gelo whispered in your ear giving you goose bumps

You shook your head and he took a condom out of his pocket

"No condom this time" You said 

"You going to ge-" he was cut off by you saying

"Im on the pill" you said 

He lined his self up with you and you adjusted him inside you and he start off slow he was so big you never got used to how big he was it always hurt in the beginning but then it start to feel good you shut you eye tight 

"Im sorry babe its going to start feeling good in a momment" Gelo said kissing your neck 

after a while it stopped hurting 

"Babe go faster" You moaned as gelo went fast and deeper

He went faster and deeper looking you in the eye the whole time a couple moments later you guys switched postions you where on the top and he was at the bottem you rode this cock 

"Babe im doing to cum" He said 

"Me too" you said moaning 

You and gelo reached your high and you got off top and you too where breathing hard 

"Woah" He said as you both get up and put on both of your clothes you looked at the time 

time flew by fast 

"Ill finsh the project" You said walking to where gelo was 

"Ok" He said gathering his stuff

"I have a question?" Gelo said 

"Ask away" you said 

"You felt that too right?" Gelo said 

"What?" You questioned

"You felt that spark when we where" Gelo said 

"Yea i did" You said 

"Do you wanna like go out" Gelo said

"Yea sure" you smiled

you walked him to the door when he got outside he kissed you, you kissed back 

"See you at practice tommorow" You said 

He smiled and walked next door to his house    

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