Chapter 1

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"Annika,you've got to resume working in Oberoi Mansion,I really want you to,um,I mean..what I meant was that,everyone really want you to resume working with us,as a token of what you've done for us all,you know,by exposing Tia's real intentions  in front of me and the family,saving our family's reputation.So can you..?"

"But what will I do there?I have no work left to do in Oberoi Mansion,now that your wedding is called off!Oh wait,are you planing on getting married billuji?Did you find a bride so soon?"teased Annika.

"No!No!",Shivaay instantly replied as if he have been accused of committing a crime!Annika chuckled at that.

"Waise billuji,why are you so adamant about this?",asked Annika and regretted that the next moment,mentally smacking herself for not having a control over her tongue.

"What do you mean by that?It's not me,It's just that Dadi really wanted me to talk to you about this,you know,after all how can she go without seeing her darling Annika for a day!",mocked Shivaay.

"So?what do you think?"asked Shivaay,growing impatient by every second.Somewhere deep inside he wanted Annika to answer in affirmative,but alas that poor guy was too blinded to see that feeling that lay within himself.

Annika thought for a while,weighing the pro's and con's.Not that there were any con's,but yeah,the pro's where really appealing to her,what topped the pro's was the fact that she'd be able to see the family that she have grown so fond of and that she'll be able to meet them and a certain kanji eyed person everyday."No no,Annika what are you even thinking about,it's not about him,it's about the family only,not him!,thought Annika.

Without letting her mind wander anymore,Annika replied instantly,"Ok billuji".

"Okay?",asked Shivaay with a grin.Annika blushed a bit at his reaction before giving a sweet smile of reassurance to Shivaay.
"Ok,great then,we'll discuss about your job tomorrow,in Oberoi Mansion.Dadi would be elated to hear this!"

"Just like you?",asked Annika.Shivaay just stood up from the couch as an answer to that and started walking towards the door before mumbling a "I'll take my leave,got a meeting to attend."

Annika just watched in silence and decided to join him to the door.

Shivaay looked back at Annika before heading towards his car and smiled,before saying,

"Yes,Annika,just like me!"

Hey guys,so I'm really new at this!This is my first try in writing something fictional.The only experience I have in writing is all the assignments and essays!Hope this was upto the mark.!
So I'm this ardent fan of #Shivika and have read n number of fanfiction based on these lovely jodi of the only hindi daily soap I watch and hence thought to give it a try here,hope you like it :)
Will update depending upon the response!
Do let me know about the update.Be it love,acceptance or criticism.I'm open to all ;)
Waiting to hear from you people.!!!

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