Chapter 20

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After a few weeks....

Rainbow's POV

Me and soarin walked in the park and ....ITS NOT A DATE.

"and do you rememered when i said ill always be there?" he asked.

"yea you dummy"

"ever since we were ten.." he continued.

"yes." i said.

"when we were out on the play ground playing pretend.." he said and i realized what he was saying.

"uhmmm...ok?" i laughed.

"i didnt know it back then" he starts to sing

"ok ok soarin i get it! Stop." i said

"now i realized you were the only one.."

"soarin.." i started.

"its never to late to show it...grow old together and feelings we have before..when we were so innocent"

I flew up and he followed.

"i pray for all your love, girl your love is so unreal...i just wanna reach and touch you, squeeze you somebody pinch me"

"soarin..." i glared.

"and if this something like a movie...i dont k ow how it ends girl.."

He starts to hug me and i looked away.

"but...i fell inlove with my..bestfriend.." he said.


"ha. Ha. Ha" i said and flew away...

He sighed and just followed behind.

"you could have atleast show some appriciation just saying" he muttered.

"uhh what?" i stopped and looked at him.

"nothing" he said and flew ahead.

I am now following behind...

"you know if you wanna say something just say it!" i said and rolled my eyes.

"oh sorry! What i meant was.  You could have Atleast Show some appriciation. Just.sayin." he said Outloud.

"of what?!" i asked.

"urghh!! You dont appriciate anything i do!!!" he said and flew away leaving me alone.

I rolled my eyes and decided to just fly alone.

(Me: you do realize this was Dash's fault right? Not soarin's)

" a little fight with your coltfriend?" somepony said and when i turned around i saw icy.

"oh...hey icy" i smiled.

"dont force it. I know its fake" he crossed his arms.

I then frowned..

"what do you want?" i asked.

"nothing..." he said

"then why are you here?" i asked.

"i guess i was just flying around then i saw you two, and i found out that you two are together??? Pfftt. Since when did you ever start liking him? Dont you remember that he used to bully you in hq???" he said.

"yea but...when we were kids i-" he cutted me off.

"when you were kids.  But just because you two knew each other in the past dosent mean you two are destined to be together" he chuckled

"i...." i looked away.

"i...whats your problem with it?!" i asked.

" just saying.." he said

"Well then Shut up!"


He frowned.

"you know....if you were with me i would totally bring you to your favorite restaurant...whats it called again?? The canterlot cafe dé lux?" he said and i frozed..

H-T-Thats my favorite restaurant..

"and i would also have given you this.." he showed me and i gasped.


"Wow. W-where did you-" he cutted me off.

"it was suppose to be my gift for you as my new marefriend but eh..i guess a friend gift then..." he said.

"" i said.

"you see dash....i know you better than him...but since you two are fighting and arent working out but if it really didnt work me" he winked and flew off.

I looked at the book and hugged it..


Soarin's POV

i went back to see her cause i kinda felt bad leaving her like that but then i saw icy...Grate...

They were talking until i head the ENTIRE conversation..

Then he left

"OH IT IS ON!!!!"

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