Chapter 77

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"You dont think it is do you?" i asked

"Seems like it" aj said

I looked down and said

"Im gonna find that asshole and make sure he wont remember how to breath again" i mumbled.

Twilight and the rest left and decided to come back tomorrow because they still have responsibilities back at their homes.

Meanwhile i remained here... I wont leave her not one bit.

I caressed her mane and kissed her forehead.

"I love you dashie" i whispered

I held her hoof and rested my head there.

Why does this shit keep happening!?

(me: welcome to life)

I felt it twitched so i looked up to see her awake.

"Dash" i called. The tone of my voice was like an exhale when i said her name.

"soarin..." she called in her faint tone.

Her voice was more raspy than ever.

"Dash im here dont worry" i said

"Am i gonna die?" she asked and i let out a chuckle

"No...Your not..And im making sure that wont happen because i cant possibly live without you" i assured her

"But...What happens if i do?" she asked

"Then ill follow you" i replied

"You idiot you cant follow me..." she said slightly raising her voice as loud as she can.

"Dash..Imagine like im the coloring book and your the color. If your not there...My life would be just black and white...Empty and sad..No emotions at all" i said

"rainbow if i will ask you the same question...You'd give me the same answer" i said and my voice was starting to break With all the feels and tears inside that wants to burst.

"i know..." she said

I wiped her tear that fell from her eye and smiled

"When we get home...Im gonna make sure to keep you safe and alive..Its what i was meant to do" i said

"I love you soar" she smiled.

I returned the smile and after a few days she was sent home.

"Hey dashie" i said

"Hmm?" she asked

"tomorrow we have practice...Are you gonna go tomorrow?" i asked

"Yea.." she said

"Are you sure? Your not feeling anything-" she cutted me off

"Im fine soar. "she said

"Im gonna find that pony who tried to poison you! I could have lost you!" i said

She covered my mouth and giggled

"well your just gonna harm yourself" she said

"What do you mean?" i asked

"If your gonna look for trouble for yourself well..Your introuble BIG time. Besides just leave em." she said

"But dash he might do it again" i said

"Look at me soar... I also dont want you to get hurt" she said in a serious tone.

"Ok..." i said

"promise you wont try to haunt the dude" she asked and i nodded

"Good my stallion" she said and i groaned

"THAT NICKNAME" i gritted and she laughed

"Get used to it, stud" she said and flew upsrairs.

*at wonderbolts HQ*

When we arrived we was thunderlane.

"Brrrooooo" i yelled

"Soarin bro! How are you two? I heard what happened dash you fine now?" he asked

"Pfft. Im fine" she said

"Good to hear... Lets race soar?" thunderlane asked

"Oh your on!" i yelled

We went to the starting line and

"1-2-3-GO!!!" i yelled and flew off.

"I win!" i yelled

"Hah. Great" he playfully rolled his eyes

Time skip


After showering i went to the locker room to see....

"Icy?" i said and he was talking to 2 strange stallions.

The dudes look angry and alert.

Whats up with them?

Why are they here?

They left and when icy turned around he saw me and said

"Oh hi soarin..Hehe" he chuckled nervously

"I...didnt see you there" he said

"Yea who are-" before i even finish he flew away fast.

"....Weird.." i said.

Hes on to something...

I can feel it.

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