chapter 6

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We were all at the park and dash was also there...i started to run with the ball but she stole it really fast the others were just Amazed by her! then she kicked it to the net goal! Then she cheered. "wow.. Your good dash I didn't know you can play so well" spitfire said really amazed. "heh there's ALOT of things you guys don't know about Me" she smiled. "do tell" I said. "I can play all kinds of sports..even for the colt ones.. Like hoofball" she said. "oh really?" I asked. "yea really" she said. Then looked who passed us..

"ugh seriously first she was being quiet and now she's playing with them? Ugh really who is she?! Did everypony forget that she's just a crash?!!!" melody teased

"yea and also she dosent deserve to be in their group! She only came with them so that she would be defended haha! She's so weak!" rose gold teased as well

Dash looked down and handed the ball to me, she wiped her tears and flew away "dash!!" I called...i got mad and went infront of those 2 fillies.

"o-oh h-hey s-s-soarin what brings you here??" melody stuttered and blushed
"Hey! I don't know what dash did to you, but you two need to stop saying
Such mean things about her!!!" i yelled, "YEA YOU DONT HAVE A RIGHT TO DO THAT TO MY FRIEND!!" spitfire yelled as well. "YEA! AND THE ONLY THING YOU HAVE THE RIGHT TO, IS THE RIGHT TO LEAVE HER ALONE AND THE RIGHT TO GO AWAY!!!" fleet shot and glared. "IF YOU MESS WITH RAINBOW DASH YOU MESS WITH US!!!" thunderlane yelled. "YEA!! YOU MESS WITH ONE OF US YOU MESS WITH ALL OF US!!!" Wave chill yelled, Then tunderlane looked at wave chill and said. "bro..thats what i said just now" "f-fine!!! Lets go rose" melody said and both of them trotted off.
Me and my friends looked at each other and chuckled. "we make a pretty good team" fleet smiled. "yes! Now lets find dash!!" i said and they followed.

After a few minutes....

We found her in the nearby lake sobbing.

"They're right! I really am just a crash!!! Im worthless! Useless! I cant even defend myself!!! I guess its better that i should just be alone!!!!" she cried out.. Me and the rest of the team were really worried about her.

"i......i judt cant take it anymore...URGHHH BLITZ JUST TAKE ME WITH YOU!!!!!!!!!!!" she yelled and when i heard that it clearly means that she wanted to end her life now..

I marched up to her and pulled her for a hug.

"s-soarin?!" she gasped. I stroked her soft mane and brushed it. "what are you-" i cutted her off "shush! I dont want to hear you saying like that ever again" i said and the others started teasing.


I glared at them and i heard a chuckle from dash. I let go from the hug.
"t-thanks" she said. And smiled again. "keep thst suits you" i winked and it made her smile bigger.
The others walked beside her and hugged.

The next day.  .  .  .  . .

I looked at dash and saw that she was sitting in her chair writing something.

Then there comes icy and wave..again.

They were gonna do something until.

I slammed my hoof to dash's table and it surprised them and dash. I looked at icy and wave then growled. Their ears flopped down and walked away. "uh...thanks again" she said.

"you be honest you need to start defending yourself as well cause what if im gone and your alone? Who's gonna protect you?" i asked.
"no one" she said and i went back to my seat

Time skip. At dismisal

I went outside to see dash facing icy on one..
I should..-no..i told her to defend herself..she'll be able to handle this..

"go away icy" she said. "whats making me?!" he teased. "nothing" said. Come on dash! You can take this guy "now give me your money" icy demanded. "whats making me?" dash shot. "ME OFCOURSE YOU DINGHEAD!!! NOW GIVE!!!" he yelled. "what if i say no!" she said. "what if i say ill punch you down" he said and walked closer to dash and dash started to move back..icy was walking towards her like a preditor haunting its prey!

Tsk. Fine!

"icy!!!!!!!" i yelled. "URGH NOT YOU AGAIN!!!!...ILL SEE YOU AGAIN TOMORROW!!!" he said and ran away. I looked at dash😡.. "soarin i-" i cutted her off. "dash! Havent i told you start defending yourself?! You know i cant always help you!!" i yelled. I looked at her and she was about to cry.. " i ..i never asked you to..i..listen! I tried ok?! I just cant!! Because of my brother's de-" "i think i know whats wrong with you! You cant defend yourself exactly because of your brother!!! Dont you see HE IS YOUR WEAKNESS-" "DONT YOU DARE TALK TO MY BROTHER THAT WAY!!!!!!" she yelled so loud that she cutted me off..."HOW COULD YOU??!!!!!!! I THOUGHT THAT MY FRIEND WOULD HELP ME BECOME A BETTER PERSON BUT I GUESS NOT!!!! I UNDERSTAND THAT YOUR GETTING TIRED OF HELPING ME BUT YOU CAN ATLEAST SHOW ME HOW TO DEFEND MYSELF!!! SOME FRIEND YOU ARE!!!!" she yelled so loud that the ponies behind us are starring.
"dash i-" before i could finish she ran off...

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