Chapter 40

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Rainbow's POV

After the last day we headed back to our homes. We kissed bye bye and we went to our sepret ways. I fixed all my stuff back and boy it was a relaxing vacation. And tomorrow wont be as relaxing as it seems. Because tomorrow i have practices in Hq...grate...

Yeaaaaayyy. 😑😑😑

The next day...

I came to hq early and saw wave chill...he kinda looks...worried for some reason...

I aprroached him and said.

"yo, wave chill everything alright?" i asked. "no" he stuttered. "why?" i asked. "well...*inhales* (fast->) i have this crush on our captain and i know its crazy but its true! And somepony asked me if me and spitfire were dating and i was like uhhh then i dashed off I was so scared cause i dont know any dating skills i really want her badly i love spitfire so so so so so much i just Arrghh! Cant!!!"

*inhales* (fast->) i have this crush on our captain and i know its crazy but its true! And somepony asked me if me and spitfire were dating and i was like uhhh then i dashed off I was so scared cause i dont know any dating skills i really want her...

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"calm down wave chill just....*chuckles* chill..." i laughed. "i guess you just have to play it cool! Mares dosent like fast people like blimd dates or just gotta go slow and dont they say...patience is a verture" i said. "Uhhhhhhhmm...i guess" wave scratched the back of his head. "or you can just tell her right away how you feel" somepony said. We turned around and saw soarin! "oh hey!" i smiled. "fast then?" wave asked. "No!!! No wave! No rushes! You cant rush ponies! There is a bigger chance she might reject you" i cautioned him. "But...what if that pony is dying to hear him confess, you dont have to go slow" soarin said. "yea but your not even sure about it!" i said. "just think small of what you think she might accept" i said to wave. "Orrrr..what if she is expecting bigger from you! You gotta go right away dude!" soarin said. "i..i." wave stuttered. "Wave listen to me! I know what mares likes and dislikes! So if you want a positive answer follow me!" i said. "uhhh how long have you known her? I know spitfire very well and i know she is positvily gonna accept you" soarin said. "come on im your buddy wave..listen to your buddy..." soarin said.. "i uhh-" wave stuttered. "Urgh soarin you arent helping all you said are what if's which arent guarantee to happen! Its like assuming you know!" i said. "well what if im right!?" soarin said. "See! There you are again" i glared

"ENOUGH!!!" wave yelled. "Listen! I like both your plans but if you keep arguing to each other of who was right it might ruin your relationship and i dont want to be the suspect of it!! Just whatever!!! Im never gonna win her! Shes too complicated and im" wave said and flew away.

"grate job soarin" i glared. "me?!" soarin glared. "Yo, there you are!" fleet said. "how's the honeymoo-i-i mean vacation?" spitfire said. "grate" we both said.

"ok thats nice..OK NOW LINE UP CAUSE WERE GONNA START AT TEN MINUTES!!!" spitfire said then yelled
"wow.." fleet said beside her.
Once everypony lined up i kimda feel bad for wave he dosent know anything about courting..i guess if me and soarin cant help him..i bet somepony can! But who?...


I bet

Icy can!

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