Chapter 1 Introduction

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"O! Look we're almost home."  Bellamy snaps his fingers and it breaks my train of thought. I'm sitting in the passenger seat playing with my silver charm bracket that's around my wrist and Bellamy's driving. Welcome to California. I haven't seen that sign in a while.

My brother and I were born and raised in San Diego, California. After my mom died, It was me and Bell. We moved across the country to Maine and decided to start over. Bellamy has taken care of me my whole life and without him I don't know where I would be. He's not only my big brother, he's my best friend.

We pull into the driveway of our first house. Bellamy insisted we live here and fix it up. It's in pretty decent condition actually. It need some redecorating and some paint but besides that it's a beautiful big house. "Home Sweet Home." Bellamy says smiling and taking the key out of the ignition. I open my door and walk around the car to the back. Bellamy and I grab all our bags and walk to the front door. I unlock the door and step inside. "It's like we never left." I say looking around. Bellamy walks past me with his things and goes to his room. I slowly continue to walk in looking at all the pictures on the wall. It feels so familiar but so new all at the same time. I walk up stairs and open the door to my room. "Woah." I whisper to myself. It's just like I left it. Purple walls and butterfly's everywhere. I walk over to my old dresser. It was painted white with little butterfly's on the edges. My mom had added them when I first got it. I look at all the picture frames. I pick one up, It's a picture of my Mom and I. It's in a silver Butterfly frame and I am sitting in her lap hugging her. She's beautiful. "Holy Butterfly's!" I turn around and see Bellamy standing in the doorway. I laugh a little at what he said. He walks over and looks at the picture I'm holding. "I remember that day. You were 3 and you lost your first tooth... ok fine. I Accidentally pulled out your tooth." He said emphasizing on the accidentally part. I just smile and put the picture back down.

I spent the rest of the day packing up my old room in boxes. I've never seen so much butterfly things in my life. I'm sitting on the couch checking my phone when Bellamy comes down the stairs. "Why don't you call up some of your old friends? Do you have a way of contacting them?" He asks as he walks over to the porch and puts his shoes on. "Well..I follow Raven Reyes on Instagram and we talk sometimes." I tell him looking up. "Ooo Raven! I like her, Call her tell her you're back. It will be good for you to have some friends." He tells me grabbing his keys. "Ok. Where are you going?" I ask him. "Well we kinda have no food.. so I'm going to the grocery store... any requests?"
"Ice Cream!" I yell out and smile. "Oki dokie.. I'll be back in a bit, and call Raven!" He says and leaves shutting the door behind him. I sit there and hesitate for a second. I go into my contact list and click Ravens name. I bring the phone to my ear and wait for her to pick up. It's ringing and in my head I'm thinking, of course she's not going to pick up. It's 8:17 pm on a Saturday night. It goes to her voice mail. "Hey!!! It's your Queen Raven! Sorry I can't answer your Call. I'm busy doing something productive...I'm probably just watching Netflix. Anyways leave me a message. I laugh at her voicemail.
"Hey Raven.. It's Octavia, I just wanted to let you You know I'm back in San Diego with Bellamy. We should hang out sometime, anyways text or call me when you can." I hang up and turn on the tv to a random Chanel. Bellamy comes back with bags of food and I help him put everything away. "Here." He hands me some paint chips. "What are theses?" I ask looking at them. "Well I was thinking we can paint your room... I mean I like the purple don't get me wrong." He says laughing. "I like this one." I show him a light grey colour. "Good choice. So did you talk to Raven?" He asks taking the paint chips back. "I called her. It went to voicemail, I left a message." I tell him.
"That's good."
"I'm going to go to bed. Goodnight, Love you." I say and walk upstairs to my room.

I walk into my room and shut the door. I lay down and hear my phone buzz. I check it and see it's from Raven.
R: Hey O! Omg that's amazing. We should totally hang out, let me know when your free!
I smile and fall asleep.

A butterflies journey {Octavia Blake} BOOK 1Where stories live. Discover now