Chapter 8 Secrets

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It's Friday night and I'm hanging out with Raven, we are sitting upstairs eating Ice cream and Oreos watching romantic comedy's. "So how are things with you and Lincoln?" She asks shoving an Oreo in her mouth. "We are good.. we're doing great actually. I really like him." I say smiling. "I think you are so lucky O. I can tell he really loves you." She says. "Do you really? I don't know if we are taking things to fast." I say looking down. "He slept over a few weeks ago." I say and look up. "Omg really!? You didn't tell me!" She shouts and sits up. "Shhh.. Bells down stairs. And it was the night you took my car. He picked me up and came home with me." I tell her shutting my door. "Was he.. nice?" She asks awkwardly. "Yes. He was, he was very gentle and made sure I was ok with it." I tell her sitting back down. "Then what's the problem?" She asks me confused. "I don't know. It's just. It should be nothing.. I really like him and I love being with him, it's just." I stop and look back. "It's just what." She asks me. "I'm afraid... it's stupid I know. I just don't want to open up and start getting excited we actually have something serious then he leaves or doesn't feel the same way." I tell her. "Aww O. It's not stupid, it's your hearts protecting itself. I know it's scary and you never really know until it's to late. But I think her really likes you."She comes over and hugs me. "And if he ever hurts you, you better be ready to bail me outta jail."She whispers to me and I laugh. "Thanks Rae." I hug her back.

Raven spends the night and we end up falling asleep. The next morning after breakfast, I go upstairs and get dressed. Ravens downstairs watching T.V and Bellamy's at the table looking at some papers. I hear the doorbell and scream downstairs. "Can one of you get that!" I go back to my desk and plug in my curling iron. I hear a knock on my door and turn around. Lincoln walks in. "Hey." He says and gives me a kiss. "Hey, How are you." I ask going back to do my hair. "Good." He says. "Can you get my brush over there." I ask and point in my closet. "Yep." He walks over and reaches up to get it when he knocks something down. "Ooppsie Sorry." He bends down to pic everything up. "It's fine don't worry about it." I say and grab the brush.

"Hey... your birthmarks on the top of your right leg right." He asks as he's fiddling through whatever he dropped. "Ya.. wh-" he cuts me off and stands up holding a bunch of pictures. "Take off your pants." He says. "What? No ther-" I start talking confused. "No Octavia for real." He looks at me serious. I put my curling iron down and unzip my pants. He looks down at a picture and then when I pull off my pants he holds the picture out. I look at him confused and grab the picture. "Where did you get this." I say looking at the picture. It's a picture of me and Bellamy. We are outside in our bathing suits running in the sprinkler. I look around 4 and Bellamy's 8. I have no spot on my leg... No birthmark. He continues flipping through pictures on the ground and I crouch down beside him. "Hey. I thought you said you never met your dad?" He says looking up at me. "I never did." I say and he shows me some pictures. I'm sitting on a guy who looks a lot like Bellamy. Another one he's in, he's holding me and Bellamy. The next one he shows me is of Bellamy outside holding a cake in front of him. Happy Birthday Dad. I flip through all the pictures and stand up holding the box they fell out of. I stomp out of my room pissed. I hear lincoln call after me. "Octavia you have no pants on." I ignore him and run down the stairs. I zoom past Raven and over to the dinning room. "What the.." Raven says as she jumps off the couch and meets up with Lincoln. I stop in front of Bellamy and stare at him. He looks up. "O?" He looks at me confused. "Why have you been lying to me!" I scream. He stands up. "What are yo-" I quickly cut him off. "Oh Shut up!" I yell and throw all the pictures at him. "You Knew! He was here! He was a part of our lives and you never told me!" I start crying. He looks down and picks up the pictures. "You told me he was a bad person. You told me he didn't care! I thought my dad hated me!" I have tears falling down my face. He's holding a picture and looks up. "He is bad O. You don't understand." He says. "Octavia.. he did it to protect you." Raven comes up from behind me and puts her hand on my shoulder. "You knew!" I turn around. "I.." She doesn't finish. "What's wrong with you people!" I scream out. "O I'm sorry. I-" He try's to continue but I stop him. "NO. DON'T EVEN TALK TO ME." I cover my face and run upstairs to my room.

I slam my door and lock it shut. I slide down the door and sit on the floor hugging my knees. I open my mouth and quickly place my hand over it to cover my cries. Tears fall and I shut my eyes. I lean against the door and think of everything that just happened. My brother lied to me my entire life. And my best friend knew. He told me our father was a jerk who left before I was born. I can't believe this, I hate him. I hear a knock at the door.

A butterflies journey {Octavia Blake} BOOK 1Where stories live. Discover now