Chapter 21 HaileyWoods

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I'm upstairs in bed watching Netflix and Lincoln comes over and jumps on the bed. "What's up." I say closing my laptop and putting it aside. "How are you feeling." He asks playing with my belly. "I'm feeling fat, but besides that. I'm feeling pretty good." I say smiling. "I have a dinner tonight, with my boss. You wanna come?" He asks. "Sure. I won't be in the way of things?" I ask. "No. We are just gonna be talking about clients but it's not a big thing, we are going to a nice little restaurant and she said you can come." He tells me. "Ya.. sure I'd love to come." I tell him. "Great!"

We get to the restaurant and wait for Lincoln's boss. "Emori! Hey! This is my girlfriend Octavia." He introduces me. "Hi Octavia. I'm Emori, nice to meet you. Lincoln has told me so much about you." She says. "Really.. I've heard nothing about you, your young and skinny." I whisper under my breathe. "Pardon?" She asks. "Oh nothing." I smile. "We should sit." Lincoln says walking to a booth.

We order our food and Lincoln and Emori talk about their jobs. They include me in somethings so I don't feel excluded in all the work stuff. After we eat, we sit and talk... Or should I say they sit and talk. They're done talking about work. They're talking about her vacation in France last summer and how Lincoln should so go with her cause he would love it and how they have so much in common and Emori giggling and twirling her hair and acting all cute. I'm sitting there like I'm not apart of this dinner and I'm a side chick... basically that's what I have been all night. "You are so funny when your not working." Emori says giggling. "Ya.. I try." He says smiling. "You should come to Paris next time I go. It's beautiful there.. and my parents live there and I could introduce them to you and-" she's going on and on and on and I just can't take it anymore. "He's not going to freaking France with you!" I yell and I'm pretty sure the whole restaurant stopped. She stops smiling and sits up straight. Lincoln looks at me. "Right.. of course. I'm so sorry." She says embarrassed. We sit there awkwardly for a minute. "Well.. Excuse me I have to pee.. but carry on in your conversation.. Lincoln meeting your parents yep continue. His girlfriend will be in the bathroom maybe you guys can sneak in a kiss before I get back." I say sarcastically. "Octavia!?" Lincoln looks at me. "I have to pee." I say passing him walking to the bathroom.

I walk to the bathroom all upset. I go pee and wash my hands. I cool down and walk out. Lincoln walks over to me. "Hey. What happened? What was that about?!" He asks. "Oh nothing.. nothing at all. I just got tired of listening to this chick flirt with my boyfriend." I say annoyed. "Really Octavia? She's my boss and We were just talking." He says. "Ya ok..." I say crossing my arms and rolling my eyes. "I'm sorry. We can go if you want." He says. "No, I'm sorry it's the hormones." I say. "O, we should go." He says taking my hands. "Lincoln." I say staring at him. "Octavia I love you and I-" he says apologizing. "No Lincoln!" I grab onto his arm. He looks at me. "What? What's wrong." He asks confused. "My water just broke." I say holding my stomach. "Omg.. ok come here." He says picking me up. He carries me outside to the car. "Lincoln." I say holding on to him. "No, it's gonna be ok." He says and lays me down in the back. "We left Emori in there." I say. "It's ok don't worry about it." He says driving.

We get to the hospital and he carries me in. The nurses take me to a room and lay me down. They take off my wet clothes and puts me in a gown. When Lincoln comes back in the room he walks over to me. "I called Bellamy and Raven. They are on there way." He says holding my hand. "Ok." I say smiling.

I'm laying in the bed trying not to panic. I see Bellamy and Clarke come in. "Hey Spaghetti O. You got this, just stay calm." He says and squeezes my hand. "Good luck Octavia." Clarke smiles. "We are gonna be waiting right out there." Bellamy says point to the waiting room. I nod. They walk out and Raven comes in. "Hey O!" She says walking over. "Hi." I say. "You scared." She asks me. "Just a bit." I say with tears in my eyes. "Aww. Don't worry, it's gonna be ok your strong." She says wiping my eyes. I smile and nod. "Keep this for me. I can't wear it in the delivery room" I say taking off my bracelet. She smiles and takes it. "I love you O." She says and goes out with Bellamy and Clarke.

    The nurses bring me to the delivery room and Lincoln follows them. They give me and epidural and now we wait. Everything is happening so fast. It's so painful and scary, I feel like I'm about to die. The doctors telling me to push and the nurse is telling me to breathe. "You want me to push or breathe!" I scream out. The doctor laughs. "Want a mirror to see?" The doctor asks. "NO EWW!" I scream at him. He laughs and tells me to push. "Your almost there, just a little more." Lincoln says squeezing my hand. I feel like punching everyone in the face, it hurts so bad, I'm pushing and all the pain goes away when I hear her cry. "You did it." The doctor says placing her on my chest. She's so small and innocent. I hold her close to me and close my eyes. "I won't let anything bad happen to you, I promise." I whisper. The doctor takes her back to weigh her and check her out. "I'm so proud of you." Lincoln says kissing my forehead.

The doctors bring us back to the room. Lincoln's holding the baby when Bellamy, Clarke and Raven come in. "Hey O!" Raven says walking over. Lincoln hands the baby to Bellamy. I watch them. "Hey. Hey cutie." He says smiling. "What's her name?" Clarke asks. "Hailey. Hailey Aurora Woods." I say smiling. "She's beautiful." Bellamy says rocking her gently. "You wanna hold her Rae." I ask. "Of course." She says. Bellamy walks over and gently hands her to Raven. "Aww. She's so small." Raven says. She gently kisses her head. Clarke walks over and Raven passes her over. "Hey Hailey. Your so adorable." She says smiling. "When do you get to leave O?" Bellamy asks. "They want to keep us here for a few days since she was early." I say. They are all taking turns holding Hailey and Raven walks over to me. "You did it! Your a Mommy now." She says and sits beside me. "I know and I can drink and sleep! And I can wear my jeans!!"I say all excited. She laughs and hands me my bracelet. "Thanks"I say and slide it back on. She starts crying and when Clarke hands her to Lincoln she immediately stops. "She's daddy's little girl."Raven says smiling.

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