Chapter 11 FamilyFirst

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        The next day I wake up and pack up all my things. We are driving back to California and it's a 28 hour drive. "I'm going to check out can you bring all the bags to the car." Bellamy asks putting his shoes on. "Yep." I say double checking to make sure we aren't forgetting anything.

    I bring all the bags to the car and put them in the back seat. We start driving and I spend the day listening to music, watching Netflix, scrolling on instagram, face time chats with Lincoln, Raven and Clarke. I complain that I'm hungry and have to pee. It's too hot and too cold. "Omg O. I forgot how annoying you were." Bellamy says pulling up to a gas station. "I'm just going to take that as a compliment."I say and smile. "Can you get the gas, I have to pee." He asks handing me his credit card. "Yup." I say unbuckling. "You want chocolate or something?" He asks. "Of course, Kit Kat please." I say and jump outta the car. He walks inside and I get the gas. I'm leaning against the car looking up at the dark sky. I check my phone and it's 11:26pm. I put the gas pump back and pay. As soon as I'm done paying I hear someone call out my name. "Look who it is. Octavia Blake." I turn around and see Atom my Ex standing a few feet away from me. He's standing there with his arms crossed and his little sidekicks standing behind him. Miller and Murphy. "What are you doing here Atom." I ask annoyed. "Ohh your asking me? What are you doing here baby." He walks over to me. "That's none of your business. Get lost Atom." I look up at him. He puts his hand on my waist and his other up to my face. He slides his finger over my lip. I push him back. "Go away." I say. "Ohh she's playing hard to get A." I hear Murphy say. Atom tries to pull me closer again. I spit on his face. He looks down shocked and wipes his face. He raises his hand and slaps me across the face. Just then Bellamy comes over and starts yelling. "Hey! Get the Fuck outta here Dickheads!" I bring my hand to my cheek. The guys quickly turn to run away but before Atom has a chance to leave Bellamy holds out his hand to stop him. Murphy and Miller are standing on the other side of the street waiting for Atom. "What Blake." Atom asks trying to act tough. Just then Bellamy punches him in the face. "If you ever touch my sister again, it won't just be your head." He says close to his ear. Atom just nods his head and quickly runs away.  Bellamy walks over to me. "Are you Ok?" He asks. "Mhm I'm good." I say and get back in the car.

     I fall asleep the rest of the ride home. We get home around noon the next day. I help bring all the bags inside. "I invited Lincoln, Raven and Clarke over for dinner tonight." I say. "Ok cool." He answers me. After unpacking, cleaning and fixing super Raven and Clarke come over. I sit with the girls in the living room while Bell makes the food in the kitchen. "Omg! O what happened under your eye?" Raven asks. I lift my hand and touch my face. "Oh this.. it's nothing, just ran into an old Friend.." I say and take a sip of water. "A friend?" Clarke asks raising her eyebrow. "Ok fine it was Atom, my Ex. We got into an argument last night at a gas station." I say and look down. "Woah... did you punch him!" Raven asks. I laugh a little. "No..Bellamy did." I say. "Thats my man!" Clarke says out loud and we all laugh. "So where's Lincoln? You gonna tell him." Raven asks. "He should be here soon and yes I'm gonna tell him...It's not that big of a deal." I say looking at them. "Ya Ok good luck trying to convince him." Raven mumbles under her breathe. "What!?!! Really." I say and Lincoln walks through the door. "Hey." He says. "Hey." I say and he comes over and leans in to kiss me. He quickly pulls back and touches my cheek. "What happened!?" He asks. "WELL I have to Umm.... cut the carrots! Clarke I need your help." Raven says and looks at Clarke. "But were having pasta?" Clarke says confused. Raven looks at her and gives her eyes. "OH RIGHT! Carrots I need to cut carrots." She says getting up and following Raven to the kitchen. "Ok what's going on.." Lincoln looks at me suspiciously. I look down. "Ok.. but I just want to say that it's really not a big deal and I'm totally fine." I say trying to be positive. "But how did you get this cut!?" He asks looking really upset. "Last night I kinda ran into my Ex boyfriend... he's a jerk and he tried to touch me so I spit on him, and then he slapped me." I say. "What!?! Where is he now!?!" Lincoln asks really pissed. "Lincoln he's gone ok. And I told you he's a jerk so whatever." I say trying to calm him. "No not whatever! I wanna kill him. So let's go." He says turning around to the door. I grab his arm and pull him back to me. "Lincoln it's fine.. please. Ok I'm here and I'm fine. Can we just forget about him." I ask and bring his head down to my forehead. He gently touches the bruise under my eye. "I'm ok." I whisper. He leans in and kisses my nose. I smile. "Thank you." I say.

    We walk into the kitchen and Bellamy's cooking noodles and the girls are sitting on the counter annoying him. "Hey!" Clarke says as we walk over to them. "I thought you were cutting carrots?" Lincoln looks at them. Raven rolls her eyes and I laugh. We are standing against the counter and Lincoln holds me around my waist and kisses the back of my head on my hair. Bellamy walks over and kisses clarke. "AWW WHY ARE YOU ALL SO CUTE AND THEN THERES ME... A LONNER POTATO." Raven yells out. We all laugh. "Don't worry Raven you'll find someone." Clarke says. "Oooo Bellamy has lots of hot single coworkers!" I say poking her. Bellamy looks at me and rolls his eyes and Lincoln lifts his hands up. "WELL THATS WHY YOU ALWAYS GO SEE BELLAMY AT WORK!?" Lincoln says. They all laugh. "No. I go because I'm a good little sister and I support him. Don't worry you don't need to be jealous." I lift my head up and kiss him. "Aww Linctavia love." Raven giggles. "Lincwhat??" Lincoln looks at me. "Don't ask me ask the queen of ship names!" I say and point to Raven. "OOOOKAY.. Suppers ready." Bellamy says getting the plates.

After supper we all sit in the living room and put on a movie. "You guys want popcorn?" I ask and stand up. They all say yes so I go into the kitchen and grab a few bags and start popping them. Lincoln comes in the kitchen and hugs me from behind. "Hey." I say looking back at him. "What's up." I ask. "Nothing much. I was thinking, and you don't have to say yes, I just think it would be a good step up."He starts talking. I turn around and wrap my arms around his neck. "What were you thinking?" I ask him. "We should move in together. There's a house down the block from here, it's not too expensive and it's 3 floors. Super nice." He says. I smile. "Ohh really. That's a good plan. I like it." I say. "Yeah. We can go look at it sometime this week." He says. "Ok." I smile and kiss him.

We bring out the popcorn and cuddle up on the couch. Clarke's laying on Bellamy's shoulder and Ravens leaning against me. I'm curled up with Lincoln and we all fall asleep on Bellamy's couch.

A butterflies journey {Octavia Blake} BOOK 1Where stories live. Discover now