Chapter 16 PartnersInCrime

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    It's been a few months since I told everyone I was pregnant. When I told Bellamy he was very supportive. I may have not had the easiest childhood but everything seemed to turn out in the end. I may not have a big blood family but I have all my family right here with me. Lincoln, Bellamy, Raven and Clarke. My belly is just starting to show. I wake up and roll over. Chewy on the other hand is getting bigger and bigger everyday. I'm all squished at the edge of the bed and Lincoln and Chewy are stretched out taking up all the space. I sit up and go to the bathroom. I pee a lot and I mean a lot, I'm hungry and eat the weirdest things. My big thing is pickles and peanut butter. I also love ice cream. Ben and Jerry's cookie dough ice cream! I could eat that all day, I make lincoln buy me the small tubs of ice cream on his way home from work all the time.

    I walk back over to the bed and stand there watching them sleep. I giggle and take a picture of them taking up the whole bed. "Whattt are you doing" Lincoln mumbles grumpily stretching. "You guys are such a cute couple" I say showing him the picture. He sits up and walks over laughing. "Good morning" I say and smile. He leans over and kisses me. He kneels to the ground and puts his hands on my stomach. "Good morning my love." He says kissing my stomach. He stands up and walks to the closet. "When are you finishing your shift today?" He asks changing. "I finish at 9 tonight." I say fixing my hair. "Ok I'll see you tonight." He says and kisses my cheek before he leaves. I change into my work outfit and drive to the hospital.

      I see a few patience and then at lunch I go out with Raven. We go to the coffee shop down the street. "So. How's everything been?" She asks. "Good.. I mean I've gained a few pounds and I eat a little more. But besides that everything's pretty good." I say laughing. "When is your maternity leave?" She asks. "Only when I get to 7 months." I say. "Woah that's far!" She says shocked. "Ya I know." We continue to talk and then I go back to work.

     After work I go home. "Hey, How was work." Lincoln asks sitting on the couch. "Good. I need ice cream!" I say going to the kitchen. "Oooooo, about that." He says walking over. "What...." I say slowly turning around. "You ate all the ice cream last weekend." I look at him. "ME!" I say. "Yes you." He says. "Well... well why didn't you get me anymore!?!" I say upset. "I forgot and the stores are closed right now." He says. My mouth drops open. "Ok." I grab my phone and walk to the door. "Where are you going?" Lincoln asks walking behind me. "To get ice cream!" I say and walk out the door. "Where!?" He yells after me. "We are going to Bellamy's. I'll just borrow his ice cream." I say walking down the street. "Borrow?" He says and raises an eyebrow. "Ugh. Yes borrow Lincoln." I say and walk over to Bellamy's house. I walk up the steps and knock on the door. Lincoln follows me. "The lights are off and the cars gone he's not here O." He says. "That's ok." I say walking around to the side of the house. "Lift me up." I say standing under the bathroom window. "Your crazy." He says laughing. He lift me up and I break the window latch. I climb in through the window and fall on the floor. "I DID IT!" I say standing up. "You coming?" I look out the window. "I have to come too!?" He looks up and sighs. "Yes your my partner in crime!" I say and walk to the kitchen. I walk to the freezer and grab the ice cream. I grab a spoon  and open the top. I take a bite and smile. I hear a thud and walk back to the bathroom. I see Lincoln on the floor and I giggle. "Ok I'm good we can go now." He looks up at me and frown. "I just crawled up a house... into a window.... for NOTHING!" He looks at me annoyed. I giggle and look up at him."Sorry. Here you can have a bite." I hold out the spoon. I flick off the lights and he helps me down. He jumps out of the window and all of a sudden there's a strong light flashing in our face. I'm holding my hand out in front of my face to block the light. "Is this your house?" An officer comes up and asks us. "Um.. no." I say and hold the ice cream. "What were you doing?" He asks. "We were Borrowing the ice cream." I say emphasizing on the borrow part. "Mame I'm gonna need you to put that down and step away from him." He says pulling out hand cuffs. "What!? No you don't understand." I say. "You have been caught breaking in, stealing and vandalizing someone's house."  He says walking over to us. "Who is this lady to you?" He asks Lincoln. "My girlfriend." He says. "Has she kidnapped you?" He asks. "WHAT!? He's like 10 times bigger than me!" I say. "No! She didn't." He says. "I'm gonna need you two to get in the back of my car please. "But!" I start to say but the officer cuts me off. "No get in." He says grabbing my hands and cuffing them. "Hey! What are you doing!?" Lincoln says holding his hands out. "Your girlfriend isn't cooperating." He says. "Um excuse me! Albert." I say reading his name tag. "I'm gonna be calling the station and complaining about you buddy." I say fidgeting. He puts me in the back of the car. Lincoln gets beside me. "Ugh. This is so all your fault." I say and look at him pouting. "Me!?" He says looking all innocent. "If you bought me ice cream we wouldn't of had to borrow Bellamy's ice cream." I say and frown.

      At the police station we get out into a temporary holding cell. "Ugh this is so stupid." I say leaning against the bars. "You get one call." A guard comes over unlocking the door. I walk over to a phone and dial Ravens number.
R: Hello?
O: Hey!
R: Hey Octavia? Why does it say your calling from some random number?
O: Well.. it's actually a really funny story..I'm in jail with Lincoln right now.
R:WHAT!? why!? What happened!?
O: Ugh It's so stupid alberts fault. I wanted Ice cream so I kinda broke into Bellamy's house... but I mean I didn't completely break the window... it's replaceable.
R: Omg O. Give me to the guy.

Raven some how convinces the officer that I'm a crazy hormonal pregnant lady who loves ice cream and meant no harm. They let us leave with a warning. I walk outside with Lincoln. "That was... an interesting night." He says looking down at me. "It's gonna be an amazing story to tell our kids." I say smiling. "Yes that there mother got arrested for breaking into her brothers house to steal ice cream.... great role model." He says laughing. "Ok... maybe we don't have to tell anyone... and especially not bellamy." I say laughing. "Yes ok." He says grabbing my hand. We walk back home in the dark holding hands. 

A butterflies journey {Octavia Blake} BOOK 1Where stories live. Discover now