17. Daggers and Swords

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He left Varric and headed outside to the training yard. It was inevitable that he would need to discuss what happened with Dorian at some point, but right now he wanted to talk to Bull. He still didn't trust the qunari but he wanted to know more about Dorian's upcoming sparring match. It weighed on his mind that the mage would be out of his league and didn't want to see him.hurt. Plus it gave him a reason to speak to the oxman and learn what he could about him.

"So you're the broody elf that's got the Vint all tied up in knots?" Bull teased as he joined him at the railing surrounding the training area.

Fenris huffed but said nothing.

"Talkative aren't you? So what brings you out here, something I can do for you?"

"Dorian told me about the training idea you had."

"He did huh? Well like I told him, it can't hurt to be prepared."

"True enough. How exactly is this going to work? Dorian has never trained as a warrior and knows nothing of hand to hand combat."

Bull gave him a curious look and shrugged. "Just basic stuff to start. Proper way to hold a weapon, foot placement, balance. Once he knows that he can try a few practice rounds with Krem."

"Sounds reasonable." Fenris agreed.

"What about you elf? Wanna go a few rounds with me? We use the same weapon style after all, though I've never seen an elf use a two-handed weapon before. That sword of yours is bigger than you."

"It's what I was trained for." Fenris retorted.

"I get that. Mind if I ask why?"

"More intimidating to... enemies." Fenris said, tripping over his omission of the word Master.

"Just didn't expect a Magister would ever let a slave near a weapon like that, much less carry one."

Fenris bristled. Did everyone know?

"Well he did."

Bull eyed him knowingly. "So he.did. Well, what do you say? Care to go a round with me?"

"I have killed my share of qunari and Ben-Hasrath You aren't afraid I might mistake you for an enemy? How's your control over your bloodlust? For I will kill you if you cannot control it."

"Don't worry about me. My control is fine. As for the qunari, well... I was on Seheron. I know what it was like."

Fenris scowled. He'd known the Bull had spent time in Seheron. Anyone who had, had a look to them. A haunted thing, buried deep but visible if you knew what to look for, and Bull was entirely too calm, too rational and too easy-going to not have spent time in brutal battles.

"And I saw enough of the bloodshed after one of your kind lost themselves to the rage to never wish to see it again."

"You got nothing to worry about elf. Nowadays only dragons bring that on and even then, it's rare." Bull retorted, his voice hard. "Now, you wanna do this or not?"

"Fine. What are the rules of engagement?"

"Blunt weapons and no magic. When one of us has had enough, just say yield."

"And if neither of us yield?"

"Then it's over when one of us can't get back up."

"Very well. Let's get started then."

Bull laughed. "Oh this is gonna be good! Krem! Set us up! Broody's agreed to spar with me."


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