Short Afterthought: 12

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One of my favorite mediums of entertainment definitely has to be gaming. I can only get behind watching movies for so long and I definitely enjoy reading but for so long- But rather, I feel like you can consider gaming to be an extension of reading. After all, despite how great books can be (such as the apparently famous franchise of Harry Potter), you can't really deny that there's so much comprehension and reading of rules or tactics that one must implement into games. The relevancy here is that I'd say my envisioning for whenever I write stories is to write for video games and not necessarily be writing for a best-selling book. I envision characters moving about and saying things to the brevity of a game, not for some final product to be a book. Of course, it is what it is, I'd say. And I'm glad so many people have enjoyed my incidental books for E-Lunar. 

Final Phenomenon: E-Lunar, Route A (4) (MANUSCRIPT)Where stories live. Discover now