16. How Love Survives When All Else is Lost 7b

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Fear and longing made the fog in Noh's head seem thicker. He wasn't always sure about what was happening. One minute there was the flashing of lights passing by as they rode in the backseat of the taxi. There was the smell of snacks. There was the howl of girls laughing. Through it all there was Pun.

Pun kept the panic from rising in his chest. Pun's warm hand constantly reassured him that he was not lost or alone, and he would be alright until he sobered up.

"I'm drunk," Noh mumbled.

"No shit, ,genius," Pun replied, bending down to look him in the eyes.

Noh opened his eyes with great effort and looked into the familiar face, staring at him expectantly. Noh's breath cuaght in his throat and he made a strange gargling noise to regain what should have been the automatic flow of air in and out of his lungs.

He was really drunk.

"Come and wash up, then you can sleep," Pun said softly.

Noh nodded, too drunk and too lonely to diagree. He allowed Pun to undress him like a small child. Pun's strong fingers made quick work of Noh's clothes, dropping them into a basket and tisking about the horrible smell.

Noh stood under the hot water as it slid against his skin. The effect was soothing to his tense muscles, but did little to sober him up. He got dizzy aftger ten seconds of staring at his own feet he jerked his up quickly to avoid face planting in the tub. There, in front of him was Pun, his back pressed against the opposite wall and a stupid grin on his face.

"What are you looking at?"

Pun shook his head and continued to watch Noh.

"You've been looking at me all night. You think I don't know? You think I didn't see?"

"Oh, you saw everything, huh?" Pun said gleefully.

"I know it all."


"I miss you. I..." Noh stopped as his face began to crumple in or itself. He didn't dare move, he was too drunk to be sure that he wouldn't make this moment worse by falling over, naked, wet, and crying. Instead he stood there, clasping his hands in front of himself, weeping like a lost child.

"I'm right here," Pun said, hugging Noh's body to his.

Noh wrapped his arms around Pun's neck and held on like a drowning man. He trembled, though he couldn't be sure if it was from desire or fear.

"I'm here. I'm not goinng to let them take you away ever again. Stay beside me this time, Noh. I will protect you." Pun planted kisses on Noh's temples and cheeks, smoothing the newly sprouted lock away from his red, puffy face. He held him close until the water turned both of thier fingers and toes into wrinkled prunes. And then he held some more, letting desperation melt into something warmer and more familiar.

Pun made short work of lathering Noh's exhausted body and rinsing him thoroughly. He escorted him out of the bathroom, still unsure just how drunk Noh truly was. Noh plopped down on the bed and watched with unblinking eyes as Pun gathered underwear and shorts for them both. He handed a pair of each to Noh, who looked at them as if he had no idea what to do with them.

"Get dressed," Pun said.

Noh shook his head.

"You'll be sick if you sleep naked, even if the weather is still warm," Pun warned.

"No I won't," Noh argued, wrapping his arms around Pun's waist and pressing his cheek against Pun's belly.

It was such a childish thing to do. It was such a Noh thing to do. Pun couldn't help but smile, and couldn't find it in himself to argue with him any more. He would just have to add a blanket.

"Okay, you win," Pun said softly, stroking Noh's hair. For his part, Noh looked up and smiled like a small child who'd just won an important victory.

Pun pulled an extra blanket from the cupboard and clibed into bed next to Noh's naked body. Despite knowing that he would end up sweating, he pulled Noh's body into his embrace, pressing him against his heart just the way he used to. Noh didn't resist. It was the first time in a long time that he didn't complain about being too hot or worry about who might walk in and see. Pun turned out the light and let the darkness fall around them.

Noh wrapped his arms around Pun's body and alllowed himself to breath deep, taking that familiar smell into his lungs. Though time had passed, and Pun's body had changed, it was still the same. They still fit together perfectly. Noh let his hands run all over Pun's skin, reacquainting himself with all of the valleys and plains that made his body. He rubbed his face against the sking against his cheek and allowed his legs to tangle with Pun's.

"I won't be able to sleep if you keep being like this," Pun said. His voice sounded deep and strained. Noh froze for a second, listening to Pun's heartbeat thundering in his chest. Pun's breathing was rapid and ragged, as if he were struggling to keep it under control.

Noh's shifted again and felt the cause of Pun's struggles glide smoothly into his hands. Noh looked up at Pun's pained expression in the moonlight.

"I'm only flesh and blood, Noh. Let me go," he begged.

Ignoring his words, Noh passed his hand down the length of the shaft, gripping him firmly. Pun inhaled sharply, his body and his mind pulling in two different directions. He looked into Noh's face, who watched him with unblinking eyes.

"Noh," Pun let the word tumble from his lips before taking those sweet lips again. He didn't try to hold back anymore, giving in to the fire that had been burning in his chest all night. He captured Noh's face in his hands and plunged into his mouth, using his tongue to arouse the still drung man in his arms.

Noh grasped Pun's hips, pulling his body closer until they were a single unit, one stacked on top of the other. Pun rolled, pressing Noh into the mattress and grinding his throbbing erection against the skin on Noh's belly.

Noho hesitated for a moment, going stiff in his arms and pushing Pun's face away as he caught his breath.

"Did I hurt you?"

Noh blinked several times, as if he wasn't sure that the person on top of him was the right one.

"Its just me. We don't have to do this if-"

Noh stole his words with a searing kiss, arching his back into the warmth and comfort of Pun's body. Pun gave in quickly, forgetting that there was anything else that needed to be said between them. Forgetting even his name, until all he could chant was "Noh, Noh," like a mad priest.

Pun kissed every inch of Noh's body until he thought his lips would chapp and bleed. He took his time, preparing him, reminding him several times where he was and who he was with, promising him over and over that he would never leave. He would be the one to protect Noh. He would be the one to take the loss if there was another price to be paid for thier love.

Noh cooed, and cried, and moaned sweetly as thier bodies joined together. He held Pun tightly as both of their bodies spasmed joyfully and they lay there, uncaring about anything else until the sun came up.

It wasn't the first sunrise they'd ever witnessed together. It wasn't even the prettiest, but by both of their estimations it was the best.

Thank you for being so patient. I just wanted to let you know that I have been playing with an idea for a new original story. I hope that when I finally get around to writing it, you will all give me as much support as you do now. Thank you so much for your encouragement. 

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 11, 2018 ⏰

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