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Alexis Porter's POV


As I stared at myself in the large oval shaped mirror above my dresser, I shrugged. I'm used to wearing summer clothes, so I didn't have many choices to pick from. I ended up wearing probably the most simple outfit I've ever worn.

The outfit consisted of black leather tights, a white jumper with the words 'FLAWLESS' printed in black ink in the center of the jumper. I grabbed my red Vans, while adding an average grey beanie.

I need to go shopping.

My long, dirty blonde hair was in loose curls. I didn't want to go all out, so I just added some mascara and eyeliner. I already had concealer on, considering I showered before I boarded the plane

And the dark mascara and eyeliner seemed to make my blue eyes pop.

I grabbed my phone, as the time read 11:53. I slid my phone into my back pocket, along with some cash, just in case. I heard Mason shout my name from downstairs, as I exited the room.

I eventually found the stairs, while stepping down them. I found Mason sitting on the couch, scrolling through his phone. The four puppies roaming the room added lots of noise, along with Glen Cocoa - the mother - as she barked at them continuously.

"I'm ready." I simply state, as Mason looks up from the phone in his hand. He smiled, while stuffing his phone in his pocket.

"Sorry about the dogs, I get complaints from the neighbors at least once every other week." He chuckles nervously, reaching down the pet Glen Cocoa.

"What are you gonna do with all of these puppies? You aren't gonna keep them, right?" I ask genuinely curious as to see what his answer is. "They're already on sale on the internet. I've had a few interested people so far." Hr explains.

"Are you going to miss them?" I ask him. He chuckles, "Although they are loud little pricks, yeah. I will miss them."

I chuckle and shake my head as his quite unique answer.

I follow him through the door, as he locked it with his key. He pulled another small, metal key off of the keychain while handing it to me. "I forgot to give you your key." He smiles.

I slide it into my pocket, while feeling a slight breeze roll off of my shoulders which sent chills through my spine.

As I follow him to his car, I sit it in the passanger seat. He starts the starts the engine as it roared to life. I tuck my hair that continuously fell into my face behind my ear, as we pulled out of the driveway.

As we rode more into town, I caught glimpses of small familiar shops and cafes. There were a fair amount of people walking along the streets of London, as of cars.

After a few more moments of driving, Mason turned a corner revealing small cafe. It looked like a family place where you could purchase coffee and hot chocolate while roaming the streets carelessly.

"I usually come here and order tea or coffee and then I began walking around. They literally have the best drinks in our area." He explains exactly where we are.

I nod at his explanation as we both step out of the vehicle. I feel the breeze once again, as I pulled my jumper closer to my body. I watch as Mason slides a slightly larger jacket over his shoulder.

As we walk side by side into the shop, I was greeted by the scent of coffee and hot tea, along with heated air. There were a few families with their children, couples, and just some people who were on their own. There were small sofas with tables in from of them.

He lead me over to the counter as an older woman looked bored as hell while she sent us a fake smile. "Hello, what can I get for you today?" she asks, her British accent not as deep as most british people.

"Uhm, can I get one hot tea, extra honey, and a..." he trail off looking at me for the answer. I quickly scroll through the menu, before my eyes landed on what I wanted to order. "A white chocolate mocha please?" I sent her a friendly smile which she managed to ignore.

She typed something into an older computer, while saying, "£3.68 please?"

He handed her a five dollar bill, as she quickly handed him his change back. He also grabbed the receipt, as our drinks were out in a few moments time.

As I grabbed the hot cup, it heated up my hands quite quickly. I brought my lips to the cup, while feeling the hot liquid burn my mouth and tongue. The flavorful sensation made me moan slightly, earning a chuckle from my older cousin.

As we turned around, a few more people have entered as there was a short line. Around four groups of people.

The first group was a small family with one small child in a stroller. The parents were involved in their own conversation, as the small child slept peacefully.

The next group was a group of three girls, maybe a few years younger than myself. They were all chatting about random topics, laughing quite often about what one another said.

The third group was an adorable looking couple. The girl had her arm locked around his arm, as they spoke quietly to each other. The girl had gorgeous ombre hair, along with a short figure and unique blue eyes. The boy was fairly tall, with black curly hair. He had slightly crooked teeth, yet still managed to look attractive. ( ^~^ )

The last group was another couple, a younger looked couple though. Maybe 15? They were also quite adorable, yet they looked like the careless tween couple that I see around quite often lately.

As we were about to walk out of the shop, a light tap on my shoulder caused me to turn around. Mason followed my actions.

"Are you Alexis Porter?" she asked with a questioning look on her features. I was a bit confused, maybe she was a fan? "Uhm, yeah? Are you a fan?" I asked her with a crooked smile.

She looked a bit excited, a familiar smile planted on her lips. "No, I'm Zoella? A YouTuber? This is my boyfriend Alfie, also known as PointlessBlog?"

She did look familiar, and their names did ring a bell. Then I remember scrolling through GloZell's videos, seeing her in the following videos. It was a makeup tutorial, which helped me extremely.

"Oh, right! Sorry, I don't watch many other YouTubers." I chuckled, turning my head towards Mason. He looked extremely confused and shocked.

"I love you're videos. Especially the 'Dare or Dare' videos." She stated quite calmly, as I shook her hand. I shook her boyfriends - Alfie I think it was - hand as well. They honestly looked like the most adorable couple.

"I actually just moved here earlier today. I was hoping to make new YouTube friends, considering I was assuming some lived here." I snickered.

"I've been dying to make a collab with you! You're so funny!" She exclaimed. I thanked her and smiled kindly. "Well of you give me your number I can call you and we can plan a date?" I asked her.

She nodded urgently, before speaking, "That'd be great!"

I handed her my phone, watching her add her contact into my cellular device. She eventually handed it back, as I gave her mine as well. We said our goodbyes, as me and Mason began our long journey around London.


Hey guys! So I haven't updated in like forever! But I want to start updating this story at least once a week, but I only want to do that if my book gets more reads because I feel like 20 reads isn't going to make a difference.

If you are reading this, share it please?! Thank you and trust me, there will be an update soon ((;

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