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Alexis' POV


We quickly parted, as we both turned to see Alfie standing before us. He was beyond shocked, his eyes were wide, his jaw had dropped. None of us said anything, probably because everyone was really astonished.

Why did he kiss me? A better question would be, why'd I kiss him back? I could feel Joe's eyes on me, as I suddenly felt really uncomfortable. Alfie brinked a few times, as if he was being sure he saw this right.

"A-Alfie it's n-" Joe cut me off. "Don't lie, Alexis. It was exactly what it looked like. I kissed Alexis, and she kissed me back." he bluntly stated, as Alfie was still yet to speak.

"I was caught up in the moment. It meant nothing." I ignored Joe's comment.

"Uhm-" Alfie began to talk. "Please Alfie, don't tell anyone." I look at him with pleading eyes, as I glanced over at Joe. He looked slightly upset, but he was probably just nervous. Who knows what Alfie could be capable of.

"Okay. I won't tell. But, what the hell?! Are you guys a thing?" he shouts the last. "Just forget it. Like she said, it meant nothing. We aren't anything but friends. We were both just caught up in the moment." Joe rants.

He speed walked past both Alfie and I, making his way to the lift.

Once he was gone, Alfie walked closer to me. "What was that whole thing about? I'm not sure I believe Joe. Are you sure you guys aren't more than friends?" he asks. I put my hand on my forehead, sighing. "Yes, I'm sure. We never were. We never will be." I say, reaching for the food on the floor.

"I hope you know, that Joe really likes you." I ignore his comment.

"He told me." he murmurs. I look up at him. "Well I don't like him in that kind of way. And I don't want to ruin our friendship over a dumb kiss." I say.

"But what if he wants to be more than friends? What if he doesn't want a friendship?"

I stop picking up all the fries, letting his statement sink in. I eventually snap back into reality, throwing the fries away. Considering the burgers had wrappers, they were fine. "Whatever. Just take this upstairs." I say, roughly handing him the food.


Once I got back to Joe and I's room, he wasn't there. I was thankful, because I didn't want to talk about it right now.

I flopped down on my bed, groaning loudly. Tonight was definitely not what I expected. It was quite eventful. But I couldn't help but think about how I did, in fact, enjoy the kiss.

Now that I have time to just think about everything, did I like Joe? I mean, I'm always thinking about him. And he is definitely not ugly. He is so kind to everyone, and he has a great sense of humor. So I couldn't help but think about it.

Did I like Joe?


I haven't updated this story in ages omfg. But anyways, this story will be coming to an end soon. Very soon to be correct. I had a great time writing it, but after looking back at it, I hate it. My writing was horrible during the making of this story. And I just don't like it in general.

Sorry for the short chapter, but the next chapter will be the epilogue. Which means I finally finish a book. And no, there will most likely not be a sequel, and if there is I probably won't write it until this story reaches so many reads. Also, thank you for 40k reads, whaaaaaat?!

But can you guys do me a huge, huge favor? If you like Nash Grier, I have a new story called Nicotine. Itbhas a better plot line and I just like the story more in general. Also, sorry for the super short chapter. Love you all so so much.

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