ᴄʜ. 1

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"ˢᴱᴱ ᵞᴬ"
"ᴮᵞᴱ ᴮᴬᴱ!!"

You entered home


Dad |✏️

Dad: -Hey sweetie!

Dad: -Ate well?

Dad: -Homework done?

Dad: -You alive?

Dad: -Please make my old man's mind at ease and reply me ㅠㅇㅠ


Me: -AHAHAHAHA!! So funny Dad

Me: -I survived tonight thank God... Ate well, and did my homework

Me: -I'm a responsible high school senior that can handle staying at home alone for a few days

Dad: -I see and don't forget to sleep in time child

Me: -I'm getting ready for bed no worries

Dad: -That's my daughter

Me: -The thing is are you having fun with mom over there?

Dad: -Yeah c;

Me: -Uh...  What's up with that creepy winking face

Dad: -What? Do you mean this one? c;

Me: -Ugh..  Yeah

Dad: -Go to bed young lady what are you still up to c;

Me: -Tsk

Dad: -Kisses and hugs from mom

Me: -They aren't for free are they -_-

Dad: -...yeah

Me: -I know cleaning the dishes, moving the garbage & taking care of the house...  Don't worry.

Dad: -It's OK if you can't handle it on your own, it ain't late to call Ms. Hyorin

Me: -Father!! Remember?Responsible high school senior

Dad: -I see.. So no need for her..  You sure?

Me: -1000% sure

Dad: -we'll be back by Wednesday, take care of yourself till then

Me: -Sure thing, you too~

Dad: -Yeah..  Love you sweetie!

Me: -Love you too~..  Good night and send mom my love

Dad: -Sure, sweet dreams.


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