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Anonymous |✏️


#: Can you hear my footsteps on the stairs, Hani

#: I hope you've found a better hiding place than the closet

#: I'm coming for you sweetheart... get ready

Me: Primo, I have ears that can hear very well so no need to mention it

Me: Two .. do you think I'm that of a fool to stay in the closet .. seriously you boys ugh..


#: You make the game so much more fun

Me: stop it ok... you said if i figured out who you were and why you were here, you would let me go... then why are you doing this eh?

#: you know sweetie.... let me tell you smth about me ok

Me: go ahead

#: I do what I say.. and I also do what I don't say... got it

(If you're wondering yes this was a line from a movie .. your guesses in the comments hehe)

#: And don't take it personally

Me: You're sick.. but guess you already know that

#: Then considder it a side-effect of the sickness


#: I hear movement, Hani

#: Have you decided to change hiding places? or are you making a run for it?

Me: I'm not gonna sit back and forth, waiting for my death

#: Ooooh so you ain't denying it? Interesting..

Me: Like you would have believed me..

#: Good call, Hani

#: you know I hate liers... but since you were honest.. let's make things more interesting

Me: wdym?

#: I'm in the upstairs hall bathroom rn

#: Now that u k where I'm.. y don't u try escaping?

Me: Y? What's the catch?

#: I just want the satisfaction of knowing I've caught you in spite of giving you an advantage

Me: But it doesn't seem much of an advantage to me

#: Then how about I tell you where I am whenever I change rooms

#: You'll know exactly where I am

Me: How do I know you ain't lying?

#: I do have a sense of honor, you know

#: I'm about to leave the bathroom, if you're in the hallway, you better run

#: even tho it won't help you much since I'm 

Me: A great runner... faster than a cheetah .. ikr

#: Oh was it a guess


#: You guessed  well

Me: One point for me

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