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Anonymous |✏️


Me: -you cut my power!!!

#: -Aren't you going to ask more questions

#: -You're wasting too much time Hani

Me:-Idk what else to ask! None of ur answers are helpful!

Me:-I guess You don't really want me to figure this out, do you?

#: -Are you insinuating that the game is rigged?

#: -That I am not playing fair?

#: -I'm been insulted now, Hani.

#: -I've been more than fair.

Me: -Then why weren't you giving me any real answers? Why are you playing games with me?

Me:-Why won't you just tell me who you are and why you're here?

#: -Because you figuring it out on your own is the whole point of this, cupcake.

#: -Don't you see that by now?

Me:-You're just playing with me like some kind of a toy! A sick game!!

Me: -I'm done with this, fucking do whatever you want, IDC anymore you PSYCHO BITX

Me:-I did nth to you and even if I did it doesn't freaking deserve that no one deserves to.. You need a Psycho therapy you're just Sick psycho, I freaking hate you

#: -I'm done with ur insults, if you're gonna act like this like a child, then go ahead, and enjoy your last hours in the dark kitty


Me: Fine I'm gonna figure this out, and after you let go of me, I'll make sure you end up behind the bars you psycho

#: -You should learn how to control your temper Hani, do you want me to teach you?

Me: -first of all this ain't your pb, second of all I don't need to learn from a Psychotic Freak like you

#: -don't test my patience Hani

Me: -Why are you gonna shoot me or choke me or blah blah, your murderer language doesn't scare me you A$$hole

#: -HaHHAHHAHA you rlly don't know what I'm capable to do candy

Me: - Aha and what are you capable to do, Punk

#: -I'm gonna freaking f*ck your brains out if you didn't apologize emmidiatly

Me: -fine, sorry..  Happy now (psycho)

#: -fine even tho you don't mean it after all time flies, and very very soon you'll be stuffed near the others in my room just like a masterpiece in a museum, candy

Me: -WTF This so illegal are you f*cked up in the mind or what

#: -You should've already know the answer kitty

Me: -this isn't happening I'm gonna figure who you are and your gonna be in jail psycho

#: -we'll see

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