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didn't bother to proof read, so if you find any mistakes just  tell me pwease


2 years later

The boy wore a loose white silk shirt and black skinny jeans accompanied with a pair of white leather sneakers. 

Usually people would get old with time ,however, he got prettier and prettier the more time passed. 

His delicate golden curls that fell onto his brows as if he was the god of the sun. his tanned skin that glittered under the sunshine rays.

He was angelic, yet there's his eyes -deep and catastrophic, they were a light brown like a shade of latte- that help a hard expression, a warning of the devil beneath.

He looked devilishly handsome.

The devil was standing in the middle of roses, putting on his earphones enjoying the sweet rhythm of his favorite song, actually his favorite melody

closing his eyes slowly letting the cold breeze hit his face , the scent of the sweet hot coffee made of Arabica beans that he was holding filling his nose

when his eyes drip with silvery tears that made there way down his cheeks, those same tears that kept his soul alive all this time in the furnace of his pain

no he didn't forget her

he couldn't let himself forget the only person that his heart clutched at

he would remind himself everyday of her perfect features, her smile her eyes her hair and then he'd remember the horrible view of her , he couldn't get it out of his head. the pool of blood spreading, leaking from her stomach, her hair sticky and red

and just then he was pulled out of his deep thoughts by a buzz, he unlocked his phone to find


Anonymous |✏


#: -You're next


don't kill meeeeeeh

*evil laugh*

what do you think of the ending so far ;')

tbh i am so excited to see y'all reaction XD

anygaaaaaaaays laterzzzz

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