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Anonymous |✏️


#: Hani? Are you trynna hide from me?

#: That's cute but, it won't work candy

#: I might not be able to see into the closet but ik you're in there

#: and I also know that you'll have to come out sometime

#: You really should be asking questions instead of wasting time on these silly games.

Me: Here's a question for ya

Me: How are you able to see into my house?

Me: wait? No..  No way you've installed cameras..  Did you pit micros too...  But when??? How??

#: I really thought you'd ask that much sooner, sweet. But better late than never.

Me: answer my Q, like come on how would you see me of course you're using cameras..  You don't have X-ray vision do you?

#: so funny

Me: ik I'm hilarious but that's not the point..  Tell me when did you install them??

#: weeks ago

Me: great..  So you've been watching me for weeks..  Well yes Hani go jump off the window this psycho has no shame

#: it's not like I've nth to do but sit and watch you tsk

Me: are you a secret killer or what?? You're weird and smart to not deny but...  Also psycho

Me: you're one of the kind..  I'm impressed

#: interesting

Me: btw I have another question, just to clarify something ...

#: ask

Me: Did we have some kind of relationship before?

Me: I mean, I must have hurt you badly, right? Badly enough for you to want to do this to me ...

#: Lots of bad things happened in middle school, sweet. Relationship or not, people get hurt.

Me : did you like me?

Me: ignore it I'm  changing my Q

Me: How did I hurt you?

#: I need you to come out of the closet, Hani.

#: Not being able to see you is making me think I can not trust you.

#: If I can not trust you, then how can we go through with our deal?

Me: OK I'm getting out

#: what are you holding?

Me: my old middle school yearbook, you had a class with me then you shod be in it

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