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Me: Dad the cops are her but they ain't coming inside

Me: He told them that if they do step a foot I'm dead

Me: He's in the house, downstairs 

Me: What do I do ???????????

Me: Papii help meee T^T

X1: Hide Hani, don't let him find you.. I count on you on this



Anonymous |✏️

#: I rlly should've came in sooner

#:it's so much more interesting and fun

Me: What's the fun in me being trapped and you in my kitchen

#: I've cut off the cameras love

Me: And why would you do that??

Me: Not that I'm complaining but didn't you get some twisted pleasure from watching me

#: It was for getting infos not for pleasure but I wouldn't deny sometimes it was fun

#: Anyway since you made me cut the power we're both in the dark

#: I'm as blind as you  not until you have cat eyes

Me: Who knows, maybe I do... but since this is my house I have advantage

#: That's why I'll have to outsmart you

#: Isn't it fun?

Me: Yeah ... I  guess

Me: Like.. it  does give me a fair chance, right?

Me: I'm done.. Aren't you going to come here and take my soul

Me: And game over... ugh

#: Patience sweet

#: This was never just about the kill

#: It's about the game.. the hunt

Me: You're demented

#: No, I just like a challenge

#: We've talked about mine, now yours...

#: Figure out why I am here before I find you & then I'll rethink of letting you live

#: But one sign to the cops and you're dead

#: And because I'm feeling generous atm I'll wait until 6 am to come and find you

#: But if you don't give me the answer by then 

Me: I'm dead

#: Good

Me: Your sarcastic psycho bit is getting old, ya know

#: Careful Hani, I and only I control the rules

#: We don't want our time to suddenly run out, would we??

Me: Fine, I'll play your sick game

Me: What choice do I have?

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