cн. 2

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Anonymous |✏

#:  -the window..  Do u think I can't see ya? Stay in the house

Me: -ok fine..  Just..  tell who you are

#: -shame on u Hani

#: -did you think you can fool me

#: -i can see you trynna open the window rn

#: -i'm warning you your much better off if u stay inside

Me: -y? What will happen?

#: -smth regrettable 4 u

Me: -you PSYCHO!! What's wrong with u

Me: -what did I even do to u

Me: -and how did u disable my phone

Me: -W. H. O. A. R. E. Y. O. U.

#: -it's amazing what u can do with some money and a bit of technology these days

#: -As u will find out,  I also disabled the doors..  It's called wood luv

#: -and nails

Me: -you hammered my doors shut?!!!

#: -in a manner of speaking, yeah

Me: -ok, now you took pranking to the next level since that's practically " impossible "

Me: -nobody would've done that without me or the neighbor hearing

Me: -Joke's up honey.. Who's this?!

#: -babe not to offend but this is so far to be a joke.

Me: -mhmm

#: -if you don't believe me just look out the front window at the Side door

#: -see the board?


#: -Temper, Hani temper

#: -Besides it's nth, I hadn't already told you

#: -You should be more trusting

Me: -Trusting? HAHAHA

Me: -you're sending me inaccurate messages in the middle of the night, locked me in my own house and you ask me to be trusting?

Me: -Fuck off you creep

#: -There's that temper again

#: -you really should do smth about it

Me: -Bitch stop it

Me: -get some help

#: -it's useless.. I told you I hammered them shut

Me: -WTF they were fine by 9pm

Me: -and the neighbors are few steps away,  there's no way in hell they wouldn't hear you

#: -well Byun family travelled for a week, and the young lady! Poor her she was so sweet.. Too bad

#: -it's good you don't live somewhere more populated, this could've gotten really messy

Me: -no I'm not falling for it

Me: -you're just trynna scare me

#: -You should be scared


Me: -Fine you know what? Since you're keeping acting as a crazy psycho texted, then at least answer some questions for me

Me: -Real answers this time

#: -what do you wanna know love?

Me: -first of all stop being cringy

#: -can't help it sweetheart

Me: -Aishh

Me: -so Who are you?

#: -That's your job to figure it out // next

Me: -Why are you texting "ME"?

#: -you'll know it when you know who I am

#: -unless you ain't as smart as I think you are

Me: -where are you?

#: -I see you peeking through the curtains, Hani

#: -it won't help since you won't be able to see me

#: -But let's just say I'm everywhere you are 😉

Me: -Stop texting me you psychopathic creep

Me: -imma just block you Agh the thing that I should've done a long time ago

#: -you might want to think twice before doing that

Me: -Aha why

Me: -bcz you're a psycho pedophile who gets some sick thrill out of scaring me? Nice try

#: -No

#: -bcz you need to keep texting me

Me: -Oh! sure, ofc I do

Me: -But the question is..  Why would I? (freak)

#: -you know the saying "don't start what you can't finish"

Me: -yes?

#: -then let me tell you that you entered the game, you have till 6am to figure out who I am and why I'm texting you

#: -or this will be your last night alive

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