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*shamelessly updates after several months*


"you're such an idiot"

hearing this right phrase with that maniac tone of his made me paralyzed in fear, my terrrorized feet refused to do a single move, my muscles tightened, I stood there, panic filling my eyes, twisting in the wind. That's when I knew well that my worst nightmare was coming true...

he ran a finger down the 9mm with the same expression of a kid holding his cotton candy, as he leveled the pistol at me grinning like a Cheshire cat, which made myself only grew more terrified as his grip tightened on the gun

"n-no please n-no"

was all i could manage to say as blood pounded in my ears, terror settled in my chest to the point that breathing became hard, really hard. My petite legs quivering, that's when it hit me again, the terrifying truth hit me again, i was going to die soon, really soon...

with a determined stare, still holding the revolver firmly, he pulled the trigger three times, the muffled shots followed by silence that lingered in the air, thick and heavy. As I stumbled back and held my hand against my inner abdomen, blood gushed between my fingers. I looked down at the red liquid, it was as red as a blossoming rose in spring. Clutching at my bleeding stomach i collapsed, the trail of blood soon disappeared into the forest floor, my hair tumbled over my face, silvery tears flooding silently down my cold skin 

at that moment he crouched down near me, locked his eyes into mine and gently swept my hair back 

"this is justice kitty"

he mumbled when the rain came with his light soft drops, falling from the sky in certain harmony, with its soft music as it hit the tree leaves, a sweet beckoning serenade. It came to wash the world from his sinful acts

the droplets of water covering his wicked features, they ran down his nose crossing his slightly parted pinky lips to his chin, soaking his white shirt finally scampering off his long veiny hands. 

and in that very moment, it felt like doors of heaven were opened and he was just a fallen sent from above, my eyes couldn't separate his, the look in his eyes says that he is lost similar to the way i am lost in his deep gazing, i saw that his stare held much more heart ache, hatered, betrayal than it seeemed and most importantly i saw... i saw a broken soul

and then all off a sudden his wet lips touched my cold cheek, and there i wished for time to  stop i no more felt that fear in fact that feeling vanished along time ago, as the warmth of his soft skin of his mouth left the side of my face, the same exact spot where they had come into contact burned and tingled.

he pulled away silently, our eyes enterlocked again and i swore that i saw sadness creeping deep inside of him, i could hear his insides yelling shouting begging pleading for help, the second our eyecontact broke he was gone

that's when i looked up to the stars, the stars that were glittering and brightening the night sky, that's when i wished my last wish, as everybody knows people in the ancient age used the constellation for navigation either it was in the sea or in the desert, these symbols have saved a lot of lives... and i want to save a life as well, i never wanted to live that bad but it wasn't for me it was for the one my heart clutched at and persisted to never let go of

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