Chapter 12. The Dance

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Sweet Tooth walked slowly followed by Joe and Gob. The sidewalk was crowded with families. Sweet Tooth eyed each of them while joining them at the end of the line. The three were dressed in dark suits with slicked back hair. Sweet Tooth was disgusted by the amount of people dressed in slacks and a plain shirt.

“Idiots.” He muttered

“You’re the idiot.” Sam retorted from a deep recess in Sweet Tooths mind. 

“I thought i told you to shut up.”

“I dont take orders from you.”

“Who is the one in charge of this body?” Sam was silent. “Now i want to enjoy this ballet with out you interrupting me.”

“Why ballet?” Sweet Tooth was silent for a moment. He didnt know why suddenly he wanted to see a ballet recital. He remembered that girl was a dancer, but the lead in this dance was an unfamiliar name. Brittany something. 

“None of your business” Sweet Tooth and his henchmen entered the theater and took their seats five rows from the stage. The lights dimmed and the Stage Managers voice echoed telling the audience to quiet their children and phones. She mentioned that there was a change in the cast:

“Tonight the lead role will be played by Mira Sisko” The trio’s eyes widened. Gob and Joe looked at Sweet Tooth.

“Should we go?” Gob whispered. Sweet Tooth looked on the bare stage for a moment. This could be interesting….

“No, i dont think she’ll recognize us…” Sweet Tooth settled into his seat. Sam was shocked that he wanted to stay. He hadnt seen Mira for weeks and longed to see her agian.

The lights dimmed more and eeire music began playing. The curtain rose revealing a figure lying in the center of the stage. Four other dancers entered and picked up the figure and stood her up. Mira. Sweet Tooth did everything he could to stop Sam from resurfacing. The dance continued and a story unfolded revealing Mira’s persona was a phoenix battling other creatures and being reborn in her deep red tutu. She never once looked down to the first rows. Her character always held her head high. 

“Why are you doing this. Why can’t you let me be with her?”

“I said i dont want an interruption, dum dum.”

“I don’t care. Why can’t i be happy”

“How can you be happy knowing the bat killed your parents”

“It wasn’t his fault, that doesnt matter now. I could have a future with her…why are you living in the past?”

“Because thats the only way i can survive. You’ll forget about me…ill cease to exist.” For once, Sweet Tooth was afraid. He was afraid of death.

“You’re afraid of her.”

“No. How dare you assume i’m afraid of her.”He shifted in his seat. He watched as Mira twirled on the stage, the red dress mimicking fire and wings. Sam watched through Sweet Tooth’s eyes. He was happy. She was beautiful and glorious. The first act ended and intermission came and went. 

Mira had no idea Sweet Tooth was there. She had trained her eyes on the balconies as a part of her character. It was amazing for her to feel so free, to feel like she really had wings. Like she could fly away and take Sam with her. Act 2 went by in a blaze and the audience roared. Mira stepped to the edge of the stage to make her bow. She lowered her head and finally made eye contact with the first few rows. Then she saw him. She froze, her heart raced. She saw Sam, but she knew Sweet Tooth was there. Sweet Tooth winked at her. She bolted back up and ran backstage with out thinking. The other dances stared at eachother not knowing what to do. There was a silence in the theater as Mira dashed to the dressing room. She tore off her costume and held back tears. Not here. Please not here. Once she got into street clothes she started running and didn’t stop until she got to her apartment.

Sweet Tooth was frozen in his seat. The other dancers had bowed and awkwardly left the stage. The audience was lost but began leaving when the lights came up.

“Sir?” Joe whispered. Sweet Tooth snapped out of it. He silently got up and the trio walked to the candy factory in silence. No emotion crossed Mira or Sweet Tooths face until they got to safety. As soon as Sweet Tooth crossed the threshhold to his bedroom, he was defeated. He laid face down on the bed and screamed into his pillows. 

Mira crashed through her apartment door and collapsed into sobs against the door. Why would he go, and on the night i performed? She stood and sumbled to the dining room table where the note and the dying rose and rose petals were. She took the note in her trembling hands. Sweet Tooth sends his regards. She hated Sweet Tooth. In a fit of rage she tore the note to shreds. She grasped the vase that held the rose and hurled it across the room. It crashed against the wall making the flower fall to the ground with glass shards showering it. She slumped into the dining room chair. In front of her were dark brown rose petals, pools of tears and scraps of blue paper. A stray tear landed on a brown rose petal. The brown shined like…chocolate. Mira’s tears stopped suddenly. Chocolate. Boiling hot chocolate. She stood and went to where the rose had landed, picked it and the stray rose petals up, and set them on the dinning room table. She wiped away her tears and searched her various drawers throwing nic naks everywhere. There. She opened the small notebook that was burried in a drawer and grabbed a pen. She underlined Destroy Sweet Tooth and delicately picked up a rose petal from the table and placed it inside the notebook pressing the pages together flattening the petal. She stared at the cover and placed a soft kiss on the cover. She whispered to herself:

“I will stop you...Sweet Tooth.”

It was Sweet. (A Sweet Tooth Fan Fiction.)Where stories live. Discover now