Chapter 9. The First Time

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“Theyre dumb, but theyll do.” Sweet Tooth snapped to Sam.

“They are minions, they dont need to be smart.” Sam retorted watching Bob and Joe fiddle with the Gummy Guns and other weapons. Sam paced.

“They need new names. Bob and Joe. Ick.”

“I know…Gob Stopper and Bazooka Joe.”Sam chuckled to himself. Sweet Tooth cackled

“How delightful, youre cathing on fast sam.” Sam stiffened.

“Sweet Tooth, you need to stop.”

“Stop what?” Sam glanced the other end of the floor where Mira had been tinkering with warhead recipies.

“You know what.”

“Oh…that girl. Im telling you Sam, the next time your walls fall, i will end her. She’s distracting you and working against you. Against us.”

“What are you talking about?”

“Shes bothering with safety features. I think she wants to sabatoge you.”

“Sweet Tooth, stop. If she is…maybe thats ok.” Sweet Tooth was silent for a moment.


“Maybe i dont need to kill … Batman.”

“Are you serious? We’ve been over this countless times. You have to” Sam sighed.

“I dont want to talk about this anymore.”

“Fine, just watch it. She’ll be gone soon enough. Just wait.”


“We have to go shopping for a few hours, Dove. Gob, Joe and i will be back later tonight” Sam sauntered from the kitchen to the living room, where Mira sat organizing boxes of candy. She was still confused by the candy but never bothered asking him about it, until now. 

“Sam…whats with the candy?” Sam stopped at the edge of the couch.

“What do you mean?”

“I mean, the suit, the vats, the boxes…Sweet Tooth? What is this obsession with candy?” Sam sat lightly next to her with a cup of tea in hand. He stared at the candy and picked up a snickers bar.

“My mother, as you know was a dancer. She never let me have candy. So after years of not having it, and then having it thrown at me when my…i guess it started then. I felt like i could never have enough candy…” He looked at her and back at the candy in his hand. He was still hiding the rest of his story. He was afriad of how she would react, knowing his family history. A feeling welled up inside him, the feeling he felt whenever he had a piece of candy. But it wasnt the candy that had that affect, this time it was Mira. He looked back at her hungrily. Although she had been sleeping with him for the past few weeks, they hadn’t slept together. He set his candy and tea on the table and turned his attention to her. She looked up at him confused. What was he doing. The look in his eyes was dangerous, but seducing. Sam leaned towards her trying not to rush this feeling, he wanted to revel in it. He stroked her cheek bone and her lip ending on her chin. He leaned closer and softly kissed her. She leaned in to the kiss and laced her arms around his neck bringing him closer to her. His hands trailed down to her waist and her back. He felt the hunger take over and he leaned more, encouraging Mira to lie down. Their lips never parted as her back touched the couch and he settled on top of her. Mira’s hands ran through his blonde locks over and over again making him smirk into the kiss. A soft groan escaped from Mira’s lips as Sam found the edge of her shirt and reached her bare stomach. Mira freed a hand and traced down his shirt to his belt. Sam had found her bra clasp and just as the two were about begin the real fun a buzz echoed in the hot apartment. They broke the kiss and sighed. Sam placed his forehead on hers and opened his soft blue eyes. Mira frowned a bit gazing up at him.

“We shall continue this later” He smiled running his hands through her dark hair. Sam got up and pulled her up to him.

“Ill be back later dear. Please wait up.” She giggled slightly kissing him on the cheek and returning to the candy boxes.

“You got it, Sam” Moments later Sam was gone and Mira was alone. She felt horrible keeping something from him, but it was for his own good. She picked up her cell phone and dialed Billys Sweets.

“Billy? I need your help.”


“It should be air tight and barely noticeable. As you can see.” Mira stared at the vat where Billy had installed the Safety hatch. If you didnt look too closely you wouldnt notice any different. Mira pressed a small dent and the hatch popped open just big enough for a man ti fit through, cape and all.

“Its perfect, and they’ll all do that?”

“Yes ma’am theyre all the same, its just a matter of finding the dent.” Mira smiled and shook Billys hand

“Thank you so much Billy” Finally she could save the bat. Suddenly she heard the factory garage open shudder. Crap. “Here, you’ll have to leave the back way” Mira led Billy to the back door and quickly ushered him out. She locked the door and ran to the elevator stopping only to shut the hatch and took the elevator up to the main level just in time for Sam, Joe and Bob to arrive. They were carrying boxes upon boxes of candy and supplies. Mira stood in the doorway. Sam set the boxes down as Gob and Joe began sorting the candy the way Mira had earlier that day. Sam glanced at the door way noticing Mira there. He grinned looking back at her.

“Boys, you can finish sorting tommorow, you’re free to go.” He said practicaly shoving them out the door and slamming it in their faces. He turned back but Mira was gone.

“Mira?” He tiptoed towards the doorway and towards his apartment. He took off his jacket and tore off his belt tossing them in the hallway. He pushed open his apartment door and stepped inside shutting the door behind him. He saw movement out of the corner of his eye, but before he could reacte she jumped into his arms, scaring him

“BOO!” He laughed as he steadied himself cradling her small lithe frame. He leaned his head down and planted kisses from her jaw to her lips. He walked towards the bedroom door kicking it open. Mira reached behind and slammed it shut. Sam set her on the bed and he got on top positioning himself just like before.

“Now where were we…”

It was Sweet. (A Sweet Tooth Fan Fiction.)Where stories live. Discover now