Chapter 18. The Plane

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  • Dedicated to Starshipranger55 from Tumblr

Sweat drenched Mira’s face as she scrambled about “The Safe House” readying it for what was to come. In the midst of the chaos her jacket pocket buzzed. She reached into her pocket and pulled it out, staring at the message on her screen.

We’re leaving the square 

Going to ST’s place

No time

He’s gonna kill Robin

…I hope your ready


Mira tensed as she griped the phone. The Doctor she had hired, Doctor Gene, noticed Mira’s state.

“Are you all right?” His calm voice shook her back to reality. She slowly looked around the building. It’s as good as it’s going to get. She nodded towards him.

“Yes. Are you ready?” She whispered more so to herself. 

“Ready as I can be.” Gene replied. She looked up at him and gave him a weak smile. Gene had been a great help to her these past few weeks and although he was paid generously the pair had become good friends. She looked around the building one last time before readying herself one last time. She threw on a dark wool hooded jacket and tossed her hair into a ponytail before making her way to the sliding exit door. The next thing she knew, she was flying, no running through the streets of Gotham, dodging frantic citizens. As she was nearing ST’s place, she glanced toward the sky and saw it; Batman’s plane careening toward the now visible Candy Funhouse.

“Dammit” She whispered as she picked up speed.


“Come, my minions” Sweet Tooth growled as he pushed Robin through the front door of his abode. He shoved Robin to the Candy storage area and was joined by his rogues. Explosions went off left and right, casting light and shadows over the rogues twisted figures. Sweet Tooth cackled directing his attention toward the sniveling boy below him.

“Listen to that would you, thats the sound of chaos…good and plenty.” He threw a box at Robin. “That’s the true nature of humanity Robin, I mean see how quickly i made society crumble, brought the city to its knees? And all with a Facebook poll and some guns?…Months of meticulous planning, several hundred thugs, countless man hours, a cartoonishly large sour warhead and millions upon millions of dollars…” 

“All Mira’s ideas” Sam whispered in the recess of Sweet Tooth’s thoughts. The mere thought of Mira compelled Sam to try to break through, but with Sweet Tooths power rising, it was almost impossible. 

“Shut up Sammy” Sweet Tooth sneered back.

“Not to mention all that money spent on fucking candy!’’ He finished. A high voiced piped up.

“Oh but you can do that for free anytime you want” Candy said as if testing Sweet Tooth for remnants of Sam. To her surprise Sweet Tooth wasn’t happy.

“Shut up you idiot!” He screeched throwing a box of candy towards Candy. “The point is Robin, don’t count on Batman coming to save you, because he can’t” He crouched to Robin’s level “he won’t, Because nothing can get through my barricade! I’ve got rogues on the rooftops, rogues in the streets, rogues in the sewers. I’ve got hostages dressed up as rogues, rogues dressed up as hostages. I mean face it Batman couldn’t get through even if he tried. It’s literally impossible. I have anticipated every single…” Suddenly there was a woosh sound that shook the funhouse. “Uh..what was that” He asked the room. 

“Oh no” Catwoman sneered “Sweet Tooth You’re new in town aren’t you.”

“Well gasp! Well that means you don’t know about the plane.” Scarecrow added.

“Plane…what plane?” Suddenly the ground shook and the lights flickered off, drowning the room in shadows.

“What happened to the lights?” Sherlock ran to the garage door and opened it revealing a dark town.

“The power to the whole blocks been knocked out!” Batman…

“Wait Batman’s got a plane? Where did he get a plane?” Sweet Tooth asked peering out the garage door. Instantly red flashes of light flickered over the rogues from somewhere outside the garage door.

“What are these little dots?” Sweet Tooth growled. Before he knew it, bullets were flying past him and the Rogues were muttering trying to dodge the shots. Sweet Tooth could barely make out an outline of a dark object hovering in the sky. The plane!

“Sour patch kids, shoot down that plane!” He ordered “Do it you dumdums! I’m taking Robin with me” The rogues scrambled as Sweet Tooth ran practically carrying robin outside and around to the back door leading to the chocolate vats. Back with the rogues, Candy tried desperately to fend off the plane watching her comrades fall before her. Suddenly the plane lowered and then took off leaving a figure running towards the rogues. Candy saw the flash of grey and knew 

“Oh fudge its Batman.” She squeaked running to the elevator to prepare for Mira’s arrival. 


Mira made it to the front door just as Batman barreled past it heading to the back door.

“Crap!” She muttered as she threw the door open and ran towards the elevator. On the way she looked towards the Candy storage room to find the Rogues lying helpless. Just then Cat Woman scampered into the room.

“Who the hell are you?” She cried running over to the other rogues. Gob was conscious and managed to look to Mira.

“Miss Sisko! You made it! Catwoman, she’s with us.” He said getting to his feet. 

“I am” Mira whispered. “I am! Gob, theres no time. Candy told you the plan right?”

“Yes, she did. Catwoman, take the rogues to the old abandoned warehouse on Baker Street” Gob ordered.

“Yes, there will be a doctor waiting there for you, he can treat you all.” Mira stated feverishly. She turned her attention to Gob and Joe who were now standing waiting for her orders. “Ok, lets go” She said. The trio rushed to the elevator and went over the plan. Once Batman or now Robin falls into the vat, they have to release the hidden latch and fish out the hero and rush him to the Doctor at “the Safe House”. Mira fished through her pockets to find a burn ointment Doctor Gene gave her for immediate treatment. “We need to get their suits off and get this on them as soon as possible.” Gob took the ointment.

“Got it.” Finally they were at the base of the vats. The trio stepped out and heard voices muffled by the vats and the walkways above. Mira spied Candy crouching behind a vat. 

“Candy” She whispered as they edged towards her. Candy looked terrified as she peered up toward the central walkway. Mira followed her gaze to see Batman, Robin, and Sweet Tooth.

It was Sweet. (A Sweet Tooth Fan Fiction.)Where stories live. Discover now