Chapter 3. The Truth Reflected

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The dream came back that night. Mira tossed and turned the whole night but even when she woke and went back to sleep the dream would start over, the bones broke again and her body shrieked again, over and over like a cycle.  She tried watching funny tv or reading joke books while curled up in her bed, but everytime her eyes closed she would see the blood drain from Sam’s face and he would say his last poignant words again. As Mira wrestled with herself, somewhere across town, a man named Sam was having a...similar problem.

“Dammit!” Sam grumbled as he sat up in bed and ran his hands through his hair feeling the sweat that coated his blonde locks. He got up and went to his bathroom and peered into the mirror. The man looking back at him was young but haggard. His eyes which were normally a bright blue reflected back as a dark blue abyss. a voice echoed in Sams head “everything was under control until you met her!” 

“leave me alone...I’m..I’m  in charge” Sam retorted to the dark voice 

“please! you can’t even forget about what’s her face long enough to think about what you have to do.” The reflection in the mirror began to change; the blonde hair turning to a light blue. Sams frown turned to a smirk. 

“Stop it. Leave Mira out of this.” Sam said to the new reflection. The reflection cackled 

“ oh you’re on a first name basis now! You’ve just met this girl, dum dum....she’s meaningless. You know what you have to do and yet you delay. Whats eating you Sam?” 

“I dont have to do anything...” The reflection gawked 

“You must get revenge... that mouse with wings destroyed your family” 

“it wasn’t his fault. his mother was going to die...” 

“his mother? what about yours? It’s his fault! He made you an orphan.” 

“Stop it....just stop. his family paid for it they were sorry. I don’t know why youre blaming him.” 

“goodness boy, haven’t you read shakespeare? He needs to die so the universe will be in balance. It’s still a twisted place, but it’s balanced. You know you want him dead...” 

“He’s lost his family too...isnt that enough?”

“NO SAM ITS NOT! You are to leave that Mira girl alone and move on with the plan. Like i said shes meaningless...then again...she could be useful when I get lonely...” The reflection cackled 

“Don’t you dare.” Sam glared at the reflection. Sam’s fist clenched and he could feel the anger welling up inside him. 

“that’s it Sam. Get angry! What are you gonna do? You can’t get rid of me.” The reflection cackled and yelled “YOU MADE ME YOU IDIOT!” Sam screamed at his mirror an glued his eyes shut 

“NO IM STRONGER THAN YOU! I CAN BEAT YOU! I DON’T NEED YOU... SWEET TOOTH!....” Sam fell to the floor at his last words. The Sweet Tooth in the mirror beamed down at him and began fading into nothing as he said 

“Dont you though?” Sam’s eyes welled up with tears and he started sobbing. 

“What ... is happening ... to me?” Sam knew very well what was happening, Sweet Tooth was taking over and Sam wasn’t sure how long he could keep ST under control.

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