Chapter 8. The Hatch

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“what do you think?” Sam questioned as he finished polishing the last vat.

“Its…great. Dont you think it could be a little…safer?” Sam’s face wrinkled.

“Why? Its a weapon.”

“But what if something happens? What if someone accidentaly falls in…theres no way out.” Sam stood facing the vat, his face shadowed with Mira a few feet away holding a clipboard with Sams designs. There were four empty vats in front of the pair ilumminated by overhead lights with bridges connecting the four vats together. Two weeks had passed since Mira followed Sam. Every chance she got, she was planning a way to save the bat. She couldnt let Sam do this. “Thats the point, dove.” He turned to face her with suspicious eyes. “What are you afraid of?”

“I dont want anything bad to happen to you…” Mira backed away a bit remembering Sams warning about Sweet Tooth.

“What…do you think i cant handle the bat? Do you think he’s stronger than me?” Sam’s face began to distort.'' Oh no. Mira set the clipboard down on a nearby cart

“Sam…” Sam stopped in his tracks and his face went back to normal. He put his hands in front of him.

“I’m sorry Mira. I just need you to trust me. There cant be a way out of this vat.” Mira sighed.

“I do trust you, Its…Sweet Tooth. what if something happens. What if he tries to kill you.” Sam cringed hearing the memory of a gun shot.

“I wont let that happen, i’ve got control Mira.” Mira’s face dropped wishing she could convince him to stop this. He closed the distance between them and placed his hands delicately on her shoulders. “As long as youre here, I’m stronger than Sweet Tooth. I need you. Dont you see that, sweettart” Mira didnt notice the candy puns begining to taint Sam’s tounge, but she did know that Sam needed her; more than he would ever know. Mira nodded and Sam smiled. He leaned down and lightly kissed her forehead. “Good, now we must find some minions” Sam trotted off to the elevator while Mira stayed behind and picked up the polishing rags. The elevator dinged and Mira craned her neck around the vats to make sure Sam was gone. She tiptoed towards the vat and pulled out a small notebook from her jean pocket. She scribbled Safety Hatch in Vat. She scanned her various notes and landed on her first note she made the day after she found Sam again: Destroy Sweet Tooth. “Mira, dear where are you?” His melodic voice echoed down the elevator shaft. She flipped her notebook shut and shoved it back in her pocket. She gathered her things and jogged to the elevator.

“I’m on my way Sam.” She shouted up into the darkess. The melodic voice shouted back at her.



Mira woke with a smile. She sat up in her bed and was elated to be with sam again. Her work was bittersweet because she knew where it was leading. She readied herself for her day job at the restaurant and flew past her empty apartment. She was hardly ever home anymore between her day job and Sam, she was only home to sleep. A small curoius part of her wondered why Sam wouldnt let her stay at the factory with him. She giggled to herself wondering what that would be like, living with Sam. Everyday she discovered something new about him: he loved to hum and often he would hum old jazz numbers from the 1950s; his hands were the most expressive hands she’d ever seen. Just by looking at his hands she could tell if he was thinking, if he was sad, even angry. It was more than just clenched fists, it was as if his personality didnt just come through when he spoke, he radiated his personality through every appendage. His vaudvillian charm made her wonder if she had gone back in time. He seemed like he was from a different era. 

Mira’s day job was a bore, serving customers and taking orders. She filled her free time searching news papers and websites for people who could help her. So far anyone she contacted laughed at the thought of giant chocolate vats and hung up on her. Today, her luck changed. She had been reading the newspaper on her break when she landed on a an ad for a candy store on the outskirts of Gotham. Billys Sweets . The ad featured a man in a dark suit and a top hat with frazzled hair. Eccentric for sure. Behind him was a giant steel drum filled with melted chocolate. A vat of boiling hot chocolate. Finally. She dialed the number and a deep voice answered her. 

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