1.crushes and feelings.

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Levi's POV

I glanced at the blonde boy who was sitting next to me , his head stuck in a book as per usual.  I smiled to myself and read my book , which just happened to be a romance story .
"Corporal , watcha reading ?" Armin asked , placing a bookmark on the page he was on before placing his book on the table . A few others had walked into the mess hall , listening to the conversation .
"A book ." I replied sarcastically .
"What's it about?" He asked , his eyes glinting in the light .
"Heh , its a romance . Why do you care anyway Arlert , your strangely talkative today ." I questioned , rather confused as to why Armin was talking to me . If I'm being honest , over time I have developed feelings for the blond , but of course I never told anybody . The only one who knew was Mikasa , and that's because she walked in on me when I was writing in my journal . Thank maria she told nobody .
"No reason , I just thought it would be nice to talk to you , since no ones here ." He replied with a heart melting smile , which made me blush lightly .
" Corporal , are you okay ? You've gone red !" Armin asked with a concerned tone , touching my fore-head .
"Y-yeah , I'm just tired . I'm gonna go.  Nice seeing you Armin ." I said before leaving .
"Corporal?" Was all I heard before I ran back to my room . And that's when I realized I had left my book in the mess hall . Eh , it wasn't that good anyway.  But I did like talking to Armin , that was for sure. 

Armins POV

Eren and the others came and sat with me once Levi had gone . The conversations I'd have with him would always be short , but interesting at the same time . If I am being honest with myself , I know I have a crush on Levi , but I am not telling anyone !
"Armin , why were you talking to corporal short ass ?" Eren asked as he sat down next to me , tray in hand .
"We were talking about the books we were reading . " I stated as I looked back at my book .
"What was he reading ?" Why does Eren ask so many questions?
"None of your business ." I said as I read my own book .
"Why have you got 2 books Armin?" Mikasa asked .
"Huh? Oh , Levi must have left his. I'll give it to him after breakfast ." I said , shooting a smile her way , which she kindly returned .
"Hey Armin , can you do me a favor ?" Eren asked me .
"Sure , what is it ?"
"Can you stop hanging out with Levi?"

Levi's POV

The words hit me like an arrow . I'd gone back to the mess hall to get my book , when I heard Jaeger ask Armin the favor .
"What ? Eren , why?" Armin questioned back , sounding hurt .
"Don't hang out with corporal shortass anymore , he's ...not right ." What the hell is Jaeger talking about ?!?! Everyone was staring , the only people unaware of my presence were the ones sitting on that table .
"Eren, you can't control who I'm friends with ! You are being unreasonable !" Armin was shouting now .
"Oh my god Armin , I'm trying to protect you!" Eren bellowed back .
"No you're not ! I'm not sure what you're doing , but it sure as hell ain't protecting me ! He's my friend , and if I can trust him , what's your deal ?!?!" Armin seemed pretty annoyed with Eren , but I was as well .
"My deal is that guy is sick in the head ! Why can't you just be happy with what you've got , you ungrateful shit!" Eren shouted as he slapped Armin in the face.  That's when I snapped.  Armin put his hand over where Eren had hit him . His eyes went glassy and a tear fell down his face . I was disgusted that Jaeger could treat someone like that ! I spun him around and hit him with the most powerful punch I'd ever thrown . He grabbed his stomach from where I'd hit him a second before , groaning in emense pain .

Armins POV

I stared as Levi walked over to me , not knowing what to do .
"You okay Arlert ?" He asked , his hand reaching down towards me . I nodded , taking his hand ad he pulled me up . He glared at Eren for a second .
"Tch , brat . You ruined my book . " He said as he walked over to Eren , picking up the book off of the floor . Our hands were still intertwined , which made me blush a little . Eren stood up , wincing in pain . Shoot , Levi must have hit him hard. Eren was about to say something , but was soon silenced by Mikasa covering his mouth. After a second people went back to talking , giving Eren a chance to walk away . Levi pulled on my arm , giving me a signal to walk . I noticed Mikasa wink at Levi , which made him glare at her , and me look utterly clueless . We walked out of the door , still holding hands . He looked at me standing next to him , and he smiled. I smiled back at him , making him almost grin .

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