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Levi's POV

Armin loves candy. Like,LOVES candy. So Easter is possibly his favourite time of year,endless mountains of chocolate eggs and other varieties of treats lined up and ready for eating,and the smile on his face contagious to everyone around. At this moment in time,everyone was gathered in Hange's living room,snacking on anything there. I lay across a sofa with Armin in my arms,who had probably gone into a food coma after the stacks of food he had consumed that day. I played with his hair gently,feeling rather tired myself. Afterall,we'd just gotten back from our honeymoon and the jetlag was still in play.
"Well isn't that just sweet,the newly weds are currently dying on my sofa." Hange chuckled,looking over at the two of us.
"I wish,my stomach is killing me."
Armin mumbled,nuzzling into my chest,his body warmth radiating onto me.
"Well maybe you shouldn't have eaten all of that food 'min." I said,stroking his back gently. He muttered something I couldn't quite make out. This was perfect,lying here in peace with the love of my life,my friends enjoying themselves on this holiday. Life is perfect

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