3 : why don't people knock ?!?!

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Levi's POV

"Corporal , where are we going?" Armin questioned as we arrived at my office .
"Well , I was just thinking I don't really know a lot about you , so we could talk or something ?" I responded , trying my best not to stutter over my words.
"I would love to !" Armin answered , smiling at me again , causing me to smirk at him. We sat in my office , talking about hobbies , favourite colours and dreams . It was my go to ask a question .
"Hmm , lets see , do you have a crush yet ?" I asked non-chalantly . He turned bright red and started stuttering . I gave him a confused look .
"U-uum , I-I do but the-they , I ..."
"Armin are you okay ?" I asked.
"I like you ." He almost whispered , only just audiable. I turned red and eyes widened .
"M-me?" I questioned . He nodded , head down , almost like he was expecting rejection . I had lost all control , my body was moving on it's own. I kissed him . I could hear him gasp , but he kissed back . He liked me back !

It had been around 3 hours , and I realised ...
We'd missed most of training . We were both tired , even if we'd done absolutely nothing all day.

After yawning , I climbed into bed with Armin . He decided to stay here , since we'd missed half of training , and didn't want eyebrows having a go at him . He wrapped his arms around my waist and nuzzled into my chest , listening to my heart beat. I know it's only 1 in the afternoon , but we were both exhausted after doing absolutely nothing  . I wrapped my arms around him as he snored softly . He sounded like a purring kitten , which made me smile . I never normally sleep , but with Armins body warmth , sleep hit me in the face.

(Time skip to 3 hours later , bought to you by a freckled Jesus)

I was woken up to murmurs around me . Armin was still wrapped around me , so I picked him up into a different position so I could sit up .
"Levi , whats going on?!?!" Hanji shouted , sounding excited and worried at the same time .
"Shut up four eyes , if you wake Armin up I will feed you to the titans ! I whisper shouted at her .
"Why are you two sharing a bed ?" Connie questioned .
"Why don't people knock ?!?!" I snapped back quietly .
Why were do many people here ?!?! Hanji , Connie , Sasha , Jean , Marco , Eren , Annie , Krista , Ymir, Mike and Mikasa , who was smirking at me . I glared at her.
"Did you and Armin ...do it?" Jean asked , sounding confused .
"No horserace we didn't !!!" I hissed at him . Suddenly , Armin started to stir awake .
"Leave now. He's waking up." I whispered/mouthed to them . They walked out quickly , closing the door. I could tell they were listening from the other side . After yawning , he looked up at me . I lay back down because I was feeling lazy .
"Hi Levi ." He said , smiling sleepily at me . I returned the smile .
"Hey sleepy head ." I said , ruffling his hair , making him giggle .
"Do you know what time it is ?" He asked me , stretching his arms , still smiling .
"Yeah , around 4:30 , why ?" I responded , throwing my shirt on .
"I was wondering how mad Erwin is gonna be with us ." He said , sounding slightly worried as he put on his jacket .
"Don't worry about it , he probably didn't even notice ." I stated , knowing it was untrue. After getting changed fully , he asked me a question .
"Levi , are we ...dating?" He asked while combing his hair with his fingers.
"What do you mean ?" I questioned back .
"Are we ...I don't know , boyfriends ? I know that sounds weird , but I ...just wanna know. " He said , looking me in the eye .
"For a smart person you sure ask dumb questions . " I chuckled , pecking him on the lips.
"I'll take that as a yes then ." He laughed .
"AWWW!" I heard come from the other side of the door . Hanji .
"Shut up Hanji , they'll hear us !" Jean hissed back . I walked outside with Armin , giving them an unimpressed look . They laughed nervously .
"You people are crazy , are you aware of that?" Armin questioned while laughing .
"ACKERMAN , ARLERT , MY OFFICE, NOW!!!" Erwin bellowed from his office .
"Shit ." everyone said as I sighed.
"May as well get it over with ." I said , taking Armins hand and walking to Erwin's office .

Armins POV

I walked to Erwin's office with Levi , slightly nervous .
"Do you have any idea what he's gonna do ?" I asked Levi .
"Not a clue. But he won't hurt you , Eyebrows may seem intimidating , but he wouldn't lay a hand on you ." he replied , smiling slightly . We finally arrived at the office , knocking on the door .
"State your name and business." Erwin stated through the door .
"It's me and the Corporal , sir ." I responded.
"Enter ." he said with an angry tone . As I stepped inside I saw him sitting at a desk on the other side of the room , arms folded and eyebrows furrowed .
"Where were you two when we were training ?!?!" He shouted , even though we were only 3 feet away from him.
"Busy ." Levi stated plainly . It was only then that Erwin noticed that we were holding hands , causing him to go wide eyed.
"What exactly were you doing , corporal Levi ?" He questioned , sounding worried.
"Nothing !" I told him .
"Talking because training bores me." Levi said .
"LEVI!" I shouted blushing madly on behalf of him.
"ARMIN!" He shouted back , trying to imitate me .
"By the walls men , compose yourselves ! " Erwin bellowed , making us quiet instantly .
"Now then , you do know you're supposed to SHOW UP to training ?!?!" He shouted , but a little bit quieter than before .
"Yes sir ." I said .
"No I had no fucking idea." Levi stated blankly.
"Oh my fucking god Levi!" Me and Erwin said in sync.
"Well then ...just , don't let it happen again , okay?" Erwin said at a normal volume , sounding quite embarrassed.
"Yes sir!" I replied
"No promises." Levi said before turning to exit the room . I sighed and followed .

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