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Levi's POV

**Blood , bodies , that's all I could see ! I glanced at one , wanting to know if it was a soldier , but it was them , my friends , dead , gone , not here. I just lay on the floor and cried , and cried , and cried . Everyone I loved , cared about , was gone .**
I woke up with a gasp , jolting up with sweat dripping from my forehead. I remembered the nightmare that had woken me up . I saw all of them in my head. I felt my eyes sting , tears threatening to fall . I didn't stop them. Within seconds , I was crying into my knees , trying to be quiet , but not succeeding .

Armins POV

I was woken up by Levi crying next to me . I sat up quickly , hugging him and rubbing his back in an attempt to calm him down .
"Levi , what's wrong ?" I asked after he'd calmed a bit.
"Y-you and them w-w-were all ..." He paused for a few seconds , the nightmare replaying in his head .
"G-gone. " he almost whispered as fresh tears started to fall .
"Why does everyone I care about always end up dead?" He whispered so it was only just audible . I hugged Levi tightly as he cried into my shoulder . A dream about people you care about dying must be awful , never mind everyone you care about ! He started to calm down a little more.
"Levi , were not gone . Look , Ymir and Krista are over there , Connie and Sasha are on the bunk under us , Mikasa and Annie are over there , and everyone else is on the floor . And I'm right here ." I said soothingly , knowing this making him calm down a lot.
"Promise you won't leave ." he whispered into my shoulder.
"I promise if you do ." I answered as he started to fall asleep in this position. I waited a second until he'd started snoring softly before laying down , not letting go of him , and covering him with the blanket. Only two hours left until training . Ugh!

Connie's POV

Once we knew Armin and Levi were asleep , everyone turned over and looked at each other. It genuinely scared us that Levi was crying , but even worse was that he was crying about something so awful . Does he have dreams like that offen? I don't know , but everyone was going to be nice tommorow ! We have breakfast in around 2 hours , so I may as well sleep while I can . I mouthed the words 'be nice' before sleeping and snoring like an obnoxious pig.

(Time skip to 2 hours later , bought to you by Reiners protein shakes .)

Levi's POV

I woke up to a knock at the door , probably Erwin telling us its breakfast time. Everyone just groaned , refusing to move , me included. Armin was being the big spoon , probably because I fell asleep on him last night . But I was so comfy , and warm , so I was not going anywhere . He knocked again , this time harder. I just nuzzled into my partners chest , wanting to go back to sleep . I heard Armin giggle at my behavior . After a few more attempts to get a reply , Erwin stopped knocking .
"Thank Maria. " I heard Sasha say . Suddenly , the door was smashed down , revealing a pissed off Erwin .
"LADIES , WHEN I KNOCK ON THE DOOR , YOU ANSWER!" Erwin bellowed into the room . He glared around the room , seeing other people , who weren't female.
"WHY IN THE WALLS ARE OTHER PEOPLE IN THIS ROOM?!?!" He shouted . I just groaned .
"We were hanging out last night , and it got late , so everyone stayed here. " Annie said , sounding bored .
"IT IS FORBIDDEN FOR PEOPLE OF THE OPPOSITE SEX TO SHARE A ROOM!" Eyebrows is such a douche sometimes.
"Does it really matter ? I mean , no one did anything last night , so I don't see what's wrong ." I replied , finally sitting up . My shirt was thin , and since it was cold I was shivering slightly. Erwin sighed loudly.
"Just , no one do it again , im sick of giving warnings out to people ." he glared at me and Armin , so I glared back .
"Draw a portrate , itll last longer." Armin muttered as he pulled me back down . I smirked while Erwin slammed the door shut. Why's he so pissy?

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