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  Taehyung was left alone at the party

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Taehyung was left alone at the party. He watched Jimin and Jungkook drift off from the party to talk. His stomach was filled with liquor, and his cheeks began to grow a pretty pink.

Hoseok insisted Taehyung to follow him up the cliff. The cliff resides just by the lake, and some of the party would jump off and into the water from there. The moonlight illuminated the cliff as people continued to do their drunken actions.

Yoongi sat on one of the rocks on the cliff, watching the lake shimmer under the light. He holds his sixth beer for the night, his finger covering the top of the bottle.

Hoseok began to undress. "You coming in the water?" He asks Taehyung.

Taehyung laughs and shakes his head. "Can't," he simply says.

"Yoongi-ah!" Hoseok calls out to the birthday boy, "Come with me! I don't wanna go alone."

Hoseok smiles brightly as Yoongi easily complies and doesn't hesitate to shed his clothes in seconds. "I'll see ya when i come back up Tae!" Hoseok laughs as he grabs Yoongi's hand and leads him to the edge.

"Don't drown," Taehyung playfully laughs. He watched as the two speed off the cliff with a full sprint, holding hand in hand as they leap into the water.

Taehyung's laugh turns into a long sigh and he places his cup down on the dirt. He hiccups slightly, bringing his fist up to cover his mouth. He pats his stomach lightly.

Taking a deep breath, Taehyung turns around. His eyes searching for Jungkook, but he doesn't seem to be around. A fairly long talk caused him to disappear for a long time, too much time.

"My, my, I didn't think I would see my baby so soon.."

Taehyung's eyes land on a familiar man, too familiar. He removes his hand from his mouth, and lets it drop to his side. His eyes do not fill with fear nor does he tremble. Taehyung stands tall, his arms crossed over his chest.

The man holds a smile on his lips. He looks Taehyung up and down. "You've grown, you look beautiful as ever," he says.

"Hyungsik," Taehyung says lowly, "What brings you here?"

Hyungsik shrugs, moving closer to wrap his arm around Taehyung's waist, but Tae moves away last minute. "Came for my friend's birthday, you?"

"Came for a friend," Taehyung says.

"You look alone," Hyungsik says and continues to get closer, "let's talk, i truly do miss you."

His lips brush against Taehyung's cheek, his hand now gripping Taehyung's arm. Taehyung doesn't move. "... A lot in fact," he continues.

"Are you not satisfied enough?" Taehyung asks, "I believe you had enough with those photos. Don't start becoming spoiled because i'm not giving you anything anymore."

"You know I'll always want more."

"Then start starving," Taehyung hisses and yanks his arm back, "Walk away or I will make a scene."

"I didn't come all the way here so you can misbehave," Hyungsik grabs his arm again, but much more harshly, "Don't you remember who owns you? I can ruin your life you have right now-"

"I'd rather drown then let you have me again," Taehyung walks away with a glare, Hyungsik follows shortly.

He comes to a stop when Taehyung puts his shoulder over a new man. A bunny smile occupies the man's lips yet his eyes were red, maybe with stricken with tears.

"Jungkook, how was it?" Taehyung asks the man. His lips forming a pleasant smile, contrasting from his attitude from before.

Jungkook sighs softly. "It was okay, but have to go-"

"Why so soon?" Hyungsik's voice blares in Taehyung's ear, he places his hands on his shoulders. "Don't leave such a nice party."

"That's fucking it!" Taehyung snaps, and pushes Hyungsik back. His hands clench tight, and his eyes melted in fury. "Get away from me, get away from us!"

"Hey, hey, hey Taehyung what's going on- Taehyung!"

Taehyung drops down to his knees with Hyungsik underneath him after a harsh and rough push. Hyungsik tripping over a beer bottle box, he lands on his back. Taehyung grabs his collar and holds up his fist tightly. His eyes began to fill with tears.

Jungkook rushes to the men, and grabs Taehyung by the arms. "Taehyung, taehyung don't hurt him," He says, squeezing his arms gently.

Taehyung's hands tremble, and a tear is on the edge of slipping. "I'm disgusting right? Isn't that what all your little friends said? How much money did you get selling those photos? You think you're so cocky now?"

"You fucking broke me Hyungsik," Taehyung rips his shoulders back and grips his shirt tightly, "You need what you deserve-"

"Hey, get off of him!" Yoongi rushes to the scene, "What is going on here?"

"Yoongi!" Hyungsik calls out, "Help me out, this guy's insane."

Jungkook tears Taehyung off Hyungsik and Yoongi helps him up. Taehyung thrashes around in Jungkook's hold.

Jungkook's grip begins to loosen. "Taehyung stop it you'll get hurt!"

Taehyung pants loudly, his cheeks flushed a bright pink. "Let go of me,"

"You know I can't do that-"

"Jungkook, I said let go."

"Don't do th-"

Taehyung's arm slips from his grasp, his foot slipping off the slippery rocks. Jungkook reaches to grab his arm again, but his fingers are left empty.

Tae's eyes widen as he hits the water, his vision flooded with a dark blue. Air leaves his lungs, and his body curls.



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