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Ch.1: Un prepared

The girl looked up as two tall boys walked through the door. Sniffling, she grabs their hands and walks away from the dull room. As they were plodding heavily down the dark corridor, the girl took notice of all the exits and escapes with her large yellow eyes. In front, a huge room with scientists everywhere appeared, walking through looking only up as she met her parents. Crouching down, the girl's father takes a strand of hair, and pulls it out of its place on her head. Wincing, the girl lets her mother fix her long brown hair back into a plat. Climbing the chair, the girl sits up right, readying herself for the on coming pain that would soon change everything.


The girl watched as people passed by, some looking at papers, others just concertraining to their phones. Picking her mocha up, the girl takes a large sip, letting the warm liquid trickle down her throat. Shuffling in her seat, the girl takes a good look around the cafe, noticing a group of people in the corner, some in armor and some not. Letting a sigh out, she picks herself up and walks out the door of the cafe, now heading for a peaceful place she called home.

Hooking her coat onto the rack, she slids her shoes off and lets her hair out, her dark brown curls falling around her shoulders. Walking slowly, the girl picks a piece of paper up from her coffee table and reads it.

"Thanks for the food. Hope to catch up soon,
Mr Stark and Aunt May say hi,

- Peter."

The girl shook her head, as she walked away, taking the note and sticking it to fridge. Pulling a plate of pasta out, the girl takes a seat at her small round table, and starts digging in. After pondering about the thought of buying a cactus, the girl finishes her food before collecting a piece of paper, and walking over to window. Sitting down at the window, the girl starts writting a note.

"Dear Peter,

My pleasure, even though why did you take my food.
Same, hope to see u on sat.
Say i said hi back to Aunt May and Mr Stark.
Also, give my congrats to Mr Stark for his new suit,
And his company.

- Blue."
P.S How are the Avengers?

The girl puts the note down with the pen, sighing as she looks out the window. It was drizzling out in the cold of the night, and the girl could tell it would be a long night. Getting up, the girl takes the note before placing it into a envelope and sending it.

A knock sounds from the girls front door and she rushes over to see who it was. She glimpsed through the peek hole and she sighs at the sight of her best friend and malicious hero. Letting him in, she takes his coat and shows him inside. Settling into her soft couch, Tony looks up, a glimmer in his eye as he speaks.

"So, have you decided if you want to join or not?" He asks, his eyes watching as her face shows no emotions.

Finally, the girl nods.
"Yes, I will, but under one rule." The girls eyes become focused as she watches Mr Stark.

"Of course, what is it?"

"No one is aloud to know my real name, or to ever speak it." She looks up to Tony, her eyes pleading for him to accept her rule.

He nods, "What shall I, or they, call you then?" His eyes focus on her form.


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