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Tony's eyes fluttered open and he reached across the bed, to where Tori layed to find empty space next to him. His brows knitted together as he sat up looking around. "Tori?" He whispers into the dark room.

"I'm over here." Tony turned over in the bed onto his side, to spot Tori standing by the window in her night gown. He sighs and gets up from the bed, drapping his night gown over his shoulders and tighting it up around his waist.

"What are you doing up?" He whispers.

"I couldn't sleep." She turns to Tony, smiling softly. "I'm sorry for waking you." Tony's eyes widen and waved his hands dismissively.

"No, it's not your fault. I just thought you left for your room." She shakes her head, and turns back to the window.

"It's so beautiful at night. I love it." She smiled and placed her hand against the glass.

"So are you."

Tori turned to Tony, watching as a huge grin appeared on his face making her laugh and smile. "Thank you." She walked closer to him, placing her hands on his cheeks. "You're a work of art, Tony, and I love it." Tony smiled and leaned foward for a kiss until Tori stopped him. "I'm... I'm not ready." She frowns, looking up to meet his eye.

"That's okay, I can wait." He smiled and brought her into a hug, making the girl smile and wrap her arms around his neck.

Suddenly a long bang outside of the window alerted the two, and they pulled away a little bit, only for several men in black suits to bust through the window. Tony pushed Tori behind him and raised his fists in a fighting stance, Tori doing the same as men busted through the window behind her.

"T-Tony?" She stuttered, fear laced in her voice.

A man emerged from the crowd with a snarl on his features. "Hand over the girl." He growled.

"She's not mine to hand over," Tony snarked.

The man beared his teeth and ran at Tony to attack him, pulling knives out from his jacket and threw them at Tony, as his suit connected with his body. As soon as the guns started to fire Tori quickly teleported out of the room and into the hallway. Unfortunately for her, a guard was stationed outside of the room. Quickly, the guard wrapped their arm around her neck and pulled her to their chest. They whipped out a cloth and placed it onto her mouth and nose. Soon, she blacked out collapsed back onto the guard.

Tony was stricken with grief. He had let Tori get away, and then taken by the bad guys. He collapsed to his knees and tears bubbled in his eyes, as the team rushed into the room. Pietro zoomed in and looked around, fear in his eyes as he scanned the room for Tori before his eyes landed on Tony. "Where is she?" Pietro asked, fear and anger laced in his voice.

"I... I don't know." Tony sliced his hands through his hair even though they were shaking immensely.

Steve knelt down in front of the trembling man and put a comforting hand on his shoulder. "Who was it?" he asked.

"I don't - I can't -" he stuttered before being cut off by Natasha.

"Oshun." she mumbled, her eyes darting around as she took in the damage. "The cult, Oshun." The team watched as she bent down and picked a small black cloth with a trident's three prongs on it. Her breath hitched as she turned back around to face them, her eyes lingering on the towering thing that slumped up against the walls and roof behind them.

Their heads turned to where she was looking and the creature attacked.

The first thing Tori could do was lick her lips when she regained consciousness, too sore and restricted to do anything else. After that, she timidly cracked opened her eyes to find herself in shackles that were chained to the floor. She was lying inside a circle of red salt or whatever it was with little rose pettles scattered here and there. But of course, she couldn't ignore the soft draft that dusted over her bare body.

She was naked.

She shivered as waves rolled down her spine. Scanning her surroundings even more she realised she was in someone's basement. For a long minute she thought she was being used as a sex slave, but it was much worse.

A dim light entered the room as a door opened and shut and people in long dark cloaks marched down the stairs. She opened her mouth to speak but she couldn't form any words. "You're awake." a mature woman's soft voice acknowledged. The woman turned to her comrades and nodded her head. "It's time to start the ceremony."

Tori struggled against her shackles, twisting and turning as the cultists, men and women, approached her. One by one they collapsed to their knees and started lovingly carressing her body's curves with their cold hands.

They all started murmuring ancient African words that she couldn't translate. She heaved out a breath which soon caught in her throat when she saw the previous woman approach her with an old, rusted, jagged dagger. The cultists removed their hands as their leader knelt down next to the girl's body.

Mumbling chants underneath her breath, she made contact with her skin and drew a line with the knife across the girl's belly, just hard enough to pierce her skin and draw blood. Tori bit her lip, trying to not to scream as the woman began slittling other limbs.


The door went flying as Captain's shield whizzed around the room, before returning back to him like a frisbee. Iron man stood by Captain America, his palm facing the woman ready to fire at any moment. Scarlett witch, Spiderman, Thor, Hawkeye and Black Widow all stood ready behind the two, their eyes glaring at the people who surrounded Tori.

"Hand the girl over." Iron man's voice called out, slightly muffled by his mask. Tori smiled slightly at Tonys words, and scanned her eyes over the group. No Pietro. I wonder where he is? She thought.

"Come and get her." The woman growled, throwing away the knife and pulling a better looking one out from the holster on her thigh. The others followed her actions and ran at the group of super hero's, who ran back at them.

Looking away from the fight, Tori scans the furthest wall for some sort of fabric, only finding a blanket drapped across the wall. That'll have to do, she thought.

Soon enough, Tony joined her and broke her away from the shackles, his mask flipping up to show his face. "Tori I'm sor-" He got cut off, as Tori talked over him.

"It's not your fault Tony, just get me that blanket on the wall over there so I feel less naked." Tony's eyes widened as his eyes looked over her body and his blood rushed to his face. He yanked it off the wall and wrapped it around her. "Thanks." He nods and helps her up, carrying her bridal style as she was losing blood fast.

The fight ended quickly once Tori was taken back to the tower by Tony, with Bruce quick to stich all her cuts and wounds up. She sat upright on the bed, only to feel a heavy headache coming on making her groan and fall back onto the bed.

"You're going to have to stay out of action for a few weeks." Bruce walked into the room, clipboard in hand as he flicked over some papers. "Training, fights, missions, even parties. Anything that includes alot of movement." He looked up from the clipboard at her and offered her a soft smile. "How you feeling?"

"Shit. Real, fucking shit." Bruce gasped and Tori chuckled, surprised she just swore several times in one sentence.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 18, 2018 ⏰

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