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Her fast steps echoed as she ran down the dark and cold corridor, her lungs burning for air as she kept running. Her brown locks whipped around behind her, as she kept pushing through the mist. Her yellow eyes darted around, looking for anywhere to hide, but finding nothing as the figure behind her kept chasing her.

Finally, Blue spotted a room ahead, taking a sharp turn around the corner and sliding into the room across the floor. She quickly closed the door behind her, leaning against the wooden door as she caught her breath.

Loud footsteps echoed beyond the door, making shivers travel down Blue's spine and she holds her breath as the figure disappeared into the silent mist. Letting a sigh out, she calms down before Blue screams as the window opposite her opens, her eyes wide with fear and her hands reaching for the door knob.

Once she finds it in her grasp, she pulls at despite it wouldn't budge. Pulling harder, Blue screams louder as the shadowy figure moves towards her, grasping her shoulders and shaking them. A voice rang, then a name. A name...

Her name

"TORI! TORI WAKE UP! WAKE UP!" The voice screamed at her, digging their nails into her shoulders, and she cowered screaming to the ground, her eyes spilling with tears.

After a few more minutes, the shadowy figure slaps Blue across the face, her eyes widening as she takes a shallow breath before collapsing into the darkness of her unconsciousness.


Blue awakes with a jolt. Feeling something cool sliding down her facd she wipes her cheek to find herself crying. A whimper sounded besides her, and she turns to find Wanda crying.

Looking around, Blue spots as the team stands around her bed, Tony and Peter both by her sides, gripping her hands as she layed down. Coughing awkwardly, Blue catches the attention of EVERYONE as their eyes widen, as they see her awake. "Blue? Are okay?" Peter asked, his cheeks stained with tears as he watched his best friend.

Blue sits up with help from Tony, her dark and tierd orbs watching everyone, before turning to Wanda. "Did you....did you know what was happening?" Wanda nodded, wiping away her own tears before lowering her head.

"I... I saw a man following Blue, he had cool blue eyes and long brown hair. His footsteps were heavy and he wore only black uniform." Wanda looked up, the group looking to eachother before Steve perked up.

"Anything else?"

Wanda nodded, her tears starting to bubble again. "He...he had a metal arm with a red star!" Everyone's eyes widen at hearing that, their eyes all turning to Bucky as he watched Wanda.

His own widen in size as he realized what she meant, turning to Blue as he watches her. " was me?" He pointed to himself.

"Yes Bucky, it was you."


Weeks had passed, and Blue had become closer to the team than she had ever with anyone in her life. Along with getting to know the team, Blue had become closer to Pietro as well as the two were out on a 'date' at the moment.

At the moment, Blue stood watching as Pietro zipped around collecting flowers for her. As he returned, he held a bunch of roses, lilies, tulips and daisies out towards her, his lips in a grin as he looked down upon the girl before him. Blue's cheeks flushed as she took the bunch from him, her hands shaking as they lightly grazes against his.

His eyes widen in size as he watches the two. His hands move to the phone that sat in his pocket, flicking it out and sending a message to someone. His grin returns as he walks away from his hiding spot, his hair flicking in the light wind. Tony Stark waltzed away, his cheeks dusted a bdight pink, his heart beating even faster as he thought about how well his surprise could go. What could go wrong? Well, Pietro goes wrong!


Her eyes widen in size as she sticks her hand out, feeling nothing pass by the tips of her delicate fingers despite the wave she saw go pass it. Blue's cheeks rise as she smiles. An actual smile. A genuine smile towards Tony, which made his heart flutter even more. She danced around the room, the music lightly playing in the background as she laughed. An actual laugh. After all this time, Tony finally made the girl of his dreams laugh and he was loving it.

But he wasn't. His eyes burned with anger while he watched his teammate woo his future girlfriend with technology. Oh, how he wished he could destroy it. But, really he could. He is Quicksiler and he is a trouble maker. So with a little bit of knowledge of technology, Pietro put his plan into action.

Striding over to Tony, Blue wraps her arms around him in a friendly matter, hugging him. Tony's face flushed even more as he slowly wrapped his own around her, snuggling his head into the crook of her neck where her hair layed on her shoulders. Blue giggled at the touch, her cheeks heating up a bit as well.

Taking the chance before it disappears, Pietro zips around pulling cords out and banging things at the machine which produced the 'magic'. Once it looked banged up enough, Pietro started pulling at the wires while smoke started to arise from the machine. Once he finished, he turned to the two who were still hugging. "Ahem." Pietro coughed out, covering his mouth with his hand.

The two pulled apart, Tony staring at Pietro as Blue looked behind him towards the machine. Letting a gasp pass by her lips, Blue turned to Tony. "Tony....the's smoking." Tony quirked a brow, before looking to the machine and back to Pietro.

"Did you....just destroy my machine?" Tony's smile quickly changed to a frown, his eyes glaring at Pietro while he showed a cheeky smile.

"Yeah, I did." Pietro grinned looking to Blue as she turned back to him, her lips twisted into a frown while she scolded Pietro for his doing.

"What the fuck Pietro, not cool." Blue walked up to him, lightly punching his chest while the machine started to catch fire behind them.

"Fuckfuckfuckfuckfuck." Tony yelled grabbing Blue and pulling her back against the wall, while the machine started burning more until a flame erupted from it. Watching as Blue cowered into Tony's chest, Pietro sighed and zipped towards the fire extinguisher, grabbing it and zipping back to the burning machine, only to put it out within a few minutes.

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